Croatia: NGO activists ‘’uncorking’’ Zagreb
Activists of Association Right to the City and Green Action submitted to USKOK (Office for the Suppression of Corruption and Organized Crime), criminal charges against Mayor of Zagreb, Milan Bandic, charging him for abuse of office and authority, and for concluding the contract with Hoto group for the project in Varsavska street, which is harmful for the city of Zagreb. A submission was accompanied by a protest of almost 200 activists and citizens in front of USKOK building in Gajeva street, Zagreb.
CMS Meeting with CoE
Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe, Mr Thomas Hammarberg visits CMS
Reaction of RECOM Coordination Council on the recent attacks in BH media
Coordination Council of the Coalition for RECOM kindly requested last week all print and electronic media, to publish their reaction on recent attacks made upon RECOM initiative and its activists, by several media houses in BiH.
Press conference on the case of Medacki dzep
Members of the Human Rights House of Zagreb, Documenta and GOLJP, organized a press conference in the late March, on occasion of the verdict on appeal in the case against the accused Rahim Ademi and Mirko Norac for crimes committed in the Medacki dzep (Medak Pocket).
Documenta’s Press Conference
Prosecution of crimes in ”Medak pocket” (military operation)
Regional Conference: Minorities for Minorities
Examples of good practice in ethnic relations