

April 21, 2010

NGO Forum: Let’s develop a common civil society in BiH

Three-day forum of NGOs from BiH, Balkan and EU took place in Sarajevo from Apil 14-16 2010. It was organized by the Youth Initiative for Human Rights in BiH, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in BiH, Centre Andre Malraux Sarajevo and CCFD Terre solidaire from France.

April 20, 2010

17th Regional Human Rights School

for the Youth of Western Balkans

April 12, 2010

Regional Campaign ”I’m a Roma Woman” presented in HRH Sarajevo

On the occasion of the World Roma Day, April 8th, regional campaign and campaign video “I’m a Roma Woman” were presented in the House of Human Rights of Sarajevo last Thursday.

April 8, 2010

Forum of NGOs in BiH

Let’s build a common civil society

April 7, 2010

Regional Campaign Opening

”I Am Roma Woman”

April 6, 2010

HRH meeting with DIHR

Discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender indentity

April 5, 2010

YIHR in Serbia reminding authorities on Srebrenica genocide

Around 2 AM last Thursday, Serbian police apprehended 9 activists from Youth Initiative for Human Rights, who in the night between March 31st and April 1st in front of the Serbian Parliament, wrote the message in red spray paint: “That hard, foreign word – genocide”.

March 31, 2010

Serbian MPs offer apology for Srebrenica massacre

Serbia’s parliament has passed a landmark resolution apologising for the 1995 Srebrenica massacre – Europe’s worst atrocity since World War II.
The motion, approved by a narrow majority, says Serbia should have done more to prevent the tragedy.

March 29, 2010

Spectacular police actions in B&H violating human rights

The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina – HCHR, said that in the last police action in the case of Bratunac – Srebrenica, there was a serious violation of human rights. ‘’Due to excessive spectacularism, which recently accompanies almost all police actions in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a fundamental principle which implies a presumption of innocence until a court decision making, is persistently violated’’, it is stated in press release of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.