

June 22, 2010

NGO sector on racial discrimination in BiH

”Non-implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is the main generator of human rights violations in BiH over the past years”, it is stated by the NGO Coalition for the UN up-coming session of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD).

June 13, 2010

Human Rights Advocates Program at Columbia University

The application for the 2011 session of the annual Human Rights Advocates Program (HRAP) at Columbia University is now available.

June 9, 2010

16th X-Press Session

Single parents

June 9, 2010

15th X-Press Session

Persons without regular income, and longtermly unemployed persons

June 9, 2010

PitchWise Festival

Festival of Women Arts

June 8, 2010

Training for Women

Women’s Human Rights

June 4, 2010

Meeting of BiH NGO Coalition for CERD

Finalization of the report

May 20, 2010

Meeting re. CERD in HRH Sarajevo

Initiative meeting of NGOs in BiH for CERD up-coming session

May 17, 2010

BiH regulatory institutions brought under government control

Late last year, the BiH Parliament ruled that the Communication’s Regulatory Agency – CRA, along with several other regulatory institutions, are to be categorised as administrative units. The decision, still standing, represents a threat to independence of regulatory agencies in BiH, since their classification as administrative units places them under the control of various ministries and the BiH Government.