

November 17, 2004

Srdjan Dizdarevic new Vice President of the International Helsinki Federation

The regular Annual General Meeting of the International Helsinki Federation, held in Moscow on 11-14 November, has elected the new management of the International Helsinki Federation for the next two years. The new President is Ulrich Fischer from Germany, a longstanding expert in human rights, who was a member of and later worked for the German Bundestag, and Vice President is Srdjan Dizdarevic, the founder and President of the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina and President of the Managing Board of the Human Rights House of Sarajevo. (17-NOV-04)

October 27, 2004

The Statement from the ‘Activists under Attack’ conference, now also in Bosnian

Statement “Human rights defenders need stronger international support and protection” is now available also in Bosnian language. (27-10-04)

October 5, 2004

Bosnia – Local Elections 2004: Fair and democratic, with low voter turnout

The basic characteristic of the local elections held inBosnia and Herzegovina on 2 October 2004 was low level of interest and low voter turnout: out of 2,327,014 registered voters, 45.52% of BiH citizens with the right to vote in Bosnia and Herzegovina turned out to vote at 4057 polling stations in total. (5-OCT-04)

September 29, 2004

Bosnia: The Election campaign in the sign of religious leaders

The election campaigns for local elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina , which will take place on Saturday, 2 October 2004, were conducted in a by and large democratic atmosphere characterized by fairness and absence of any major incidents that might have put in question the validity of the elections. (29-SEP-04)

September 27, 2004

Break-in at the Human Rights House of Sarajevo

Saturday night, the Human Rights House in Sarajevo was broken into. Computers which contained the complete documentation and archives of the Helsinki Committee were stolen. The organisation suspects that the motive was political. (27-SEP-04)  

June 3, 2004

Conference on socioeconomic issues

The one-day conference on socioeconomic issues was held in Sarajevo, organized by the Center for Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Studies on Thursday, May 27, 2004.

May 29, 2004

Influence of Likvidacy law on women position in BiH

Last week Zene Zenama – Women to Women in co-operation with Independent Trade Union in BiH, organised a public discussion on a topic “Implementation of Likvidacy law – influence on women rights, woman position and other consequences.” (29-MAY-04)

May 24, 2004

Destruction of Cultural Memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina

During the 1992-1995 war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, mosques, churches and other cultural items were among the targets of warfare. The Herzegovinian city Stolac experienced almost complete destruction of its Bosniak cultural heritage. The Norwegian Helsinki Committee is a co-operating partner in a project  that arranges an international conference in Sarajevo 23-24 April 2004 and will publish a report focussing on the Stolac case. (1-APRIL-04)

May 24, 2004

European Youth Peace Summit

Last week Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, hosted European Youth willing to make world changes. Summit maintained from 07th until 10th May and gathered around 550 young leaders from the whole Europe, motivated to make an influence on the global changes. (17-MAY-04)