Segregation and apartheid at work
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has, on a number of occasions, appealed against the devastating separation of school-age children based on ethnicity. Despite all activities and appeals, the problem has escalated at the beginning of this school year, to the extent that we now have a practice of open segregation and apartheid in Bosnia and Herzegovina. (13-SEP-05)
Rights of Asylum Seekers in Bosnia and Herzegovina Insufficiently Respected
As part of its regular monitoring of the situation in the field of human rights, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has produced the Analysis of the Status of Asylum Seekers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Aliens, particularly asylum seekers, are included in the vulnerable categories of population and their rights are violated more frequently than rights of other citizens. (25-JULY-05)
Tensions shortly before designation of genocide in Srebrenica
Yesterday, close to the Memorial centre in Potocari – Srebrenica, police of Republika Srpska found 35 kg of explosive.
Well known BH photographer Tarik Samarah announces his new project about Srebrenica under the title: “To see, to know, to remember”, which create tensions in Serbia. (06-JULY-05)
Declaration on Srebrenica didn’t adopted yet
Serbian Authorities didn’t adopted the Declaration on Srebrenica which is made by eight Serbian NGO`s. Members the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia refused to adopt the Declaration if it’s not include the other crimes wich had happened during the war in nineteen’s, and especially crimes against Serbs in the Republic of Croatia. (23-JUN-05)
Declaration on Srebrenica
Eight Serbian NGO`s made the draft of a Declaration on Srebrenica and put forth to the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. They also called Serbian Authorities to adopt the Declaration, and to join the democratic world that will evoke the memory of Srebrenica crime so as to manifest that it has made up its mind that the history of mankind would never again witness such horror of organized and massive murder of people just because of their identity. (08-JUN-05)
The Need for Accountability Regarding Srebrenica
On the meeting of Executive Committee of the International Helsinki Federation (IHF), which brings together human rights groups from over 40 countries, held in Belgrade, on a May 30, 2005, Serbian authorities were called to acknowledge the responsibility of Serb forces (1) in the genocide in Srebrenica (30-MAY-05)
Letter to the US Ambassador in BH
The news about plans to present the descendents of Draza Mihailovic with the Legion of Honor, which the President Harry Truman awarded him with 57 years ago, within the next few days has deeply upset and shaken the democratic and anti-fascist public of Bosnia and Herzegovina. (19-MAY-05)
Privatization of coal mine with mass graves
The Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina has on several occasions addressed the public and warned, the domestic institutions particularly, of the unreasonable decision to privatize the Ljubija/Omarska Coal Mine before the investigating bodies have completed their job concerning the circumstantial evidence indicating that on the location of the coal mine there are bodily remnants of people who had been taken captive during the war. (26-APR-05)
Freedom for Guantanamo detainees?
The six citizens known as the “Algerian Group”, who were extradited by the Bosnian authorities to the United States of America, have been detained in the Guantanamo base for over three years. Unfortunately, the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina have not, in the past three years, taken relevant steps, to help the six detainees, which include measures for their return to Bosnia and Herzegovina. (26-APR-05)