

January 21, 2010

Balkans: Human Rights Lagging

Human rights protections in the Western Balkans lag behind aspirations for European integration, Human Rights Watch said today. In its World Report 2010, Human Rights Watch documents human rights conditions and issues in Bosnia, Republic of Croatia, Serbia, and Kosovo.

January 15, 2010

Call for support for human rights defender, Enver Murgic

Human Rights House of Sarajevo, member of the Human Rights House Network, seeks international support in fight against the attack on human rights defender, Enver Murgic (on right).

January 15, 2010

Public debate

Racism, Intolerance, Ethnicity and Religion in B&H

January 13, 2010

CURE Educational Program

Know Your Rights and Herstory, Empower and Activate Yourself!

January 4, 2010

New Election Law of B&H possible threat for democracy

Human Rights House of Sarajevo calls NGO sector in B&H, particularly the Informal NGO Coalition for UPR, to react on proposal of ”zippered lists” for the Election Law of B&H, that represents threat to the democracy in B&H.

December 22, 2009

ECHR accused B&H of discrimination towards national minorities

The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, delivered today the Grand Chamber judgment in the case of Sejdic and Finci versus Bosnia and Herzegovina, accusing B&H of discrimination towards national minorities. Sejdic and Finci complained of their ineligibility to stand for election to the House of Peoples and the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the ground of their Roma and Jewish origin.

December 21, 2009

New attacks on human rights defenders in B&H

In Trebinje, the hardest thing today is to be Blazo Stevovic, the president of “Alternative Club Trebinje” and member of “Alliance for Fight Against Corruption and Criminal”.

December 15, 2009

Inzko extended the stay of internationals

The High Representative, Valentin Inzko, extended the mandate of international judges and prosecutors in B&H, which caused different opinions in the country. While some in Republika Srpska have expressed disapproval of his Decision, representatives of judicial institutions have welcomed it, claiming it is “of key importance to their work”.

December 11, 2009

Letter to High Representative Valentin Inzko

Yesterday, on International Human Rights Day, the Human Rights House of Sarajevo supported the letter of Democratization Policy Council addressed to High Representative Valentin Inzko, calling on him to impose the extension of international judges and prosecutors in the Court of BiH, whose terms expire on Dec 14th. A number of Peace Implementation Council (PIC) members are resistant to such a move, fearing the reaction of the Republika Srpska Premier Milorad Dodik.