2nd International conference, Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers
On 11-14 March 2011, the Belarusian HRH will host the second international conference within the framework of the Project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” for project participants from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia and Russia.
Show case: Belarusian political prisoners ‘released’
While human rights activists in the Republic of Belarus are sounding the alarm about “the second wave of repressions”, on the eve of the EU decision about possible sanctions, the authorities went ahead and changed a form of pre-trial detention for five political prisoners who had previously been kept in the KGB jail (including presidential rival Niakliayeu, right). However, the remaining hostages of the regime are still in prison.
Treatment of journalists in Belarus resembles torture
The analytical review, prepared by the Committee of International Control over Human Rights Situation in the Republic of Belarus, has recently been presented and distributed to those concerned. The document is a survey depicting the authorities’ interference into activities of journalists in the Republic of Belarus.
Belarusian lawyers need moral support amid government’s pressure
The Human Rights House Network’s Belarusian partners has addressed foreign Bar Associations to inform them about intimidation of lawyers in the Republic of Belarus. The Human Rights House Foundation has also called the UN Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers for urgent action.
Norway: release political prisoners in Belarus!
15 Norwegian organisations and political parties in Oslo appealed to the Norwegian authorities to increase their pressure on Republic of Belarus and demand release of all arested after the preisdential elections on 19 December. Around 35-40 persons in front of the Norwegian Parliament demonstrated in support of human rights defenders and political prisoners in the Republic of Belarus.
Belarus: a month after December 19th. What’s next? Press conference
On 19 January 2011, the Belarusian Human Rights House is hosting a press conference on the human rights situation in the Republic of Belarus. International experts and representatives of human rights organizations from different countries will present their assessment of what is happening in Belarus from the human rights perspective.
PEN International sends letter to President Lukashenko
The President of PEN International, John Ralston Saul, PEN’s International Secretary, Hori Takeaki, and the Chair of the Writers in Prison Committee, Marian Botsford Fraser, have addressed a letter to President Lukashenko of Republic of Belarus today protesting recent events following the flawed presidential elections in the Republic of Belarus. They urge in the letter immediately to order the release of all arrested writers and journalists.
Ongoing human rights violations in the aftermath of the elections in December 2010
The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) sent today updated information to the Special Rapporteurs on the Situation of Human Rights Defenders and on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression about the human rights violations that continue in the Republic of Belarus.
Detentions in Belarus: inhuman and degrading treatment
According to the Analytical Note prepared by Belarusian and Russian HR defenders from the International Mission for Human Rights Situation Control in the Republic of Belarus, detentions on the presidential election day in Minsk and during the post-election period were characterized by violence, inhuman and degrading treatment, while trial proceedings failed to meet the criteria of a fair trial.