

January 22, 2016

Authorities want to deprive Ales Bialiatski of place of residence after 4 years after the judgment

Ales Bialiatski, the head of the human rights center Viasna, has received a ruling from the department of enforcement of judgments that a part of his flat (in which he lives with his family) falls under arrest.

January 15, 2016

The first death sentence in 2016 was passed

On 5 January Henadz Yakavitski was sentenced to death in Belarus. This case might even get in legal textbooks: the convicted man has been already sentenced to death earlier.

December 31, 2015



December 30, 2015

Belarus-2015: Pyrrhic victory of Lukashenka condemns the country to degradation

In 2015, the permanent President of Belarus Aliaksandr Lukashenka has easily won another election with the official results of 83.5%. This is a fantastic triumph despite the fact that the economy was a mess: the GDP decreased by 3.9% during the last 11 months, while the average salary in Belarus has decreased from 530 to 370 dollars in equivalent during the last 5 years.

December 23, 2015

UN registers complaint by death convict’s mother

The UN Human Rights Committee has registered an individual communication submitted by Volha Hrunova (right), the mother of Aliaksandr Hrunou, who was executed in 2014. The death convict’s mother appeals against a violation of her son’s right not to be subjected to cruel, inhuman, degrading treatment and the right to a fair trial. The case was registered under No. 2690/2015 and sent to the State party for comments on the merits.

December 19, 2015

Belarusan society’s solidarity potential

The Center for European Transformation (CET) and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (BISS) present a research results report of the Belarusan society’s solidarity potential. The research was initiated by Belarusan human rights defending organizations: Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House, Human Rights Center “Viasna”, Belarusian Helsinki Committee, Legal Transformation Center (Lawtrend), Committee for the Protection of the Repressed “Salidarnasts”, Belarusian Association of Journalists, and Assembly of Democratic NGOs in Belarus.

December 12, 2015

Belarusian human rights organizations have chosen the best

As a tradition before the International Human Rights Day (10 December) several Belarusian human rights organizations name the winners of the annual National Human Rights Prize for the achievements in the field of human rights.

December 10, 2015

Human rights defenders call on government to take urgent restorative measures

Belarusian human rights defenders called to the authorities to take a number of measures that do not require legislative changes, but can significantly contribute to the improvement of human rights protection.

December 8, 2015

Belarusian human rights defenders announced the new political prisoner in the country

Mikhail Zhamchuzhny was sentenced to 6 years and 6 months of imprisonment in a maximum security penal colony. It is also prohibited for him to hold positions related to the implementation of organizational and administrative duties. Belarusian human rights defenders recognize the case as groundless and politically motivated.