

March 2, 2009

Journalist Eldaniz Elgun receives anonymous death threats over banned novel

Independent journalist Eldaniz Elgun reported to the Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety on 27 February 2009 that he has received death threats over his banned novel.

February 25, 2009

IRFS journalist Idrak Abbasov briefly detained, mistreated by National Security Ministry

The Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety (IRFS) is
extremely concerned about the health and well-being of its journalist and
researcher Idrak Abbasov. Abbasov has been hospitalised with heart problems
since 20 February 2009, when he returned to Baku from Nakhchivan. Abbasov
said that he was subjected to physical and psychological pressure by the
National Security Ministry (NSM) in Nakhchivan.

February 16, 2009

Azerbaijan ratifies OPCAT

On January 28, Republic of Azerbaijan ratified the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT).

February 6, 2009

Election Monitoring Centre founder Anar Mammedli seeks legal action to unblock his website

The founder of the Election Monitoring Center, Anar Mammedli, has filed a lawsuit in the Sabayil District Court against the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology.

February 5, 2009

Azerbaijan reviewed under the UPR

Republic of Azerbaijan was reviewed by the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group on February 4. Its delegation was led by Azerbaijan’s Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, Khalaf Khalafov, right. During the session it was a challenge to create a constructive dialogue with the Azerbaijani delegation on the problems the country has with the implementation of its legal framework.

January 21, 2009

NHC and HRHF demand withdrawal of libel case

The Norwegian Helsinki Committee (NHC) and the Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) have requested the Azerbaijani government to immediately withdraw the claim against the human rights defender Leyla Yunus.

January 16, 2009

Nakhchivan activists attacked

Two employees of the Nakhchivan-based “Democracy and NGO Development Resource Center” were attacked and seriously beaten by an orchestrated group of athletic mobsters on 15 December.

January 16, 2009

Nakhchivan’s activists attacked

Two employees of the Nakhchivan-based “Democracy and NGO Development Resource Center” were attacked and seriously beaten by an orchestrated group of athletic mobsters on 15 December.

January 16, 2009

Call for applications: Creation of South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders

The South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders’ will link watch-dog human rights NGOs in the South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) and provide assistance to those human rights defenders who face challenges in their work.