Eynulla Fatullayev sentenced to pre-trial detention
Yesterday, 31 December, the imprisoned Editor-in-chief of Gundelik Republic of Azerbaijan and Realniy Republic of Azerbaijan newspapers, Eynulla Fatullayev was sentenced to two months pre-trial detention.
Beaten human rights defenders give a statement
Today, 21 December, IRFS correspondent in Nakhchivan Elman Abbasov was invited to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Internal Affairs Ministry to make a statement as a witness regarding the harassment against the employees of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Democracy and NGO Development Resource Centre Ilgar Nasibov and Vafadar Eyvazov on 15 December 2009.
Nakhchivan activists attacked
Two employees of the Nakhchivan-based Democracy and NGO Development Resource Center were attacked and seriously beaten by an orchestrated group of athletic mobsters on 15 December.
South Caucasus Network of HR defenders applauds the UN CAT’s conclusions on Azerbaijan
Members of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders applaud the Concluding Observations on Republic of Azerbaijan issued by the UN Committee Against Torture (CAT) on 19 November 2009. We observe that many of the main concerns raised by Azerbaijani members of the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders and the Human Rights House Foundation during the review of Republic of Azerbaijan in November 2009 have been reflected in CAT’s concluding observations.
Human Rights Defenders Celebrate International Human Rights Day
Azeri human rights defenders gathered for an advance celebration of the International Human Rights Day at the Human Rights House Republic of Azerbaijan today. Representatives of OSCE, Council of Europe, and the embassies of Norway and UK attended the event to show their solidarity and support and congratulate the defenders.
Electronic HR education for lawyers: call for applications launched
The Human Rights House Foundation together with HRH Network members in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation and partners in Georgia has launched a new project, Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers.
Электронное обучение адвокатов: принимаются заявки
Секретариат международной Сети Домов прав человека вместе с партнерами в Азербайджане, Беларуси, Грузии и России объявляют набор для участия в программе дистанционного обучения международному праву прав человека. Отбор участников производится на конкурсной основе.
Representatives of the Ministry of Justice of Norway visit Human Rights House Azerbaijan
Today Human Rights House Republic of Azerbaijan was visited by Karin Margrethe Bugge, Director General, Adminstrative Affairs Department and Morten Ruud, Secretary General, Ministry of Justice and the Ploice of Norway.
Media freedom in danger
Statement by Malahat NASIBOVA, Director of the “Democracy and NGOs Development Resource Centre”; Winner of the 2009 International RAFTO prize for Human Rights.