

January 23, 2015

Media freedom: extended crackdown on journalists in Azerbaijan

Side-event at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on media freedom and the extended crackdown on journalists in Azerbaijan

December 5, 2014

Azerbaijan arrests one more critical voice, Khadija Ismayilova

On ludicrous charges of incitement to suicide, the Azerbaijani journalist Khadija Ismayilova was sentenced to 2 months pre-trial detention today, Friday, 5 December 2014. She is a well-known independent investigative journalist, who owned many awards.

December 4, 2014

Emin Huseynov spending his 35th birthday in hiding in Azerbaijan

Since August 2014, the human rights defender Emin Huseynov of Azerbaijan has been forced into hiding. He is spending his 35th birthday on 4 December in hiding. At the occasion of our birthday, we repeat our call upon Azerbaijani authorities to immediately and unconditionally drop all pending charges against him.

November 30, 2014

Intigam Aliyev spent his 52nd birthday in prison in Azerbaijan

Since 8 August 2014, the human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev of Azerbaijan is in prison. He spent his 52nd birthday in prison on 30 November 2014. His health has heavily deteriorated whilst in detention. We repeat our call for his immediate and unconditional release.

November 11, 2014

End suppression of civil society in Azerbaijan

As the Chairmanship of the Council of Europe by Azerbaijan takes an end, 46 NGOs from 10 Human Rights Houses call upon authorities in Azerbaijan to put an end to the unprecedented repression against civil society and to immediately and unconditionally release all civil society actors currently detained due to their engagement for human rights and for raising critics against Azerbaijan’s authorities.

November 11, 2014

Azerbaijan must stop its suppression of civil society

46 NGOs from 10 Human Rights Houses call upon Azerbaijan to stop the on going suppression of civil society, as Azerbaijan’s chairmanship of the Council of Europe ends. The NGOs further call for the immediately and unconditionally release all civil society actors currently detained due to their engagement for human rights and for raising critics against Azerbaijan’s authorities, including and especially human rights defenders Leyla Yunus and her husband Arif Yunus, Rasul Jafarov, and Intigam Aliyev. Anar Mammadli and Bashir Suleymanli must also be released

October 16, 2014

Stop harassment and legal action against Khadija Ismayilova

The Azerbaijani authorities should immediately lift the travel ban imposed on Khadija Ismayilova, leading investigative journalist in the country, and cease all legal proceedings against her. Against the backdrop of the unprecedented crackdown on civil society, Khadija Ismayilova’s arrest on criminal defamation charges seems imminent and would confirm the authorities’ intent to silence all critical voices in the country.

October 6, 2014

Time has come for a clear change in the EU’s policy towards Azerbaijan

Future European Union High Representative for Foreign Policy was questioned about the EU’s stand on human rights in Azerbaijan, amongst many other issues. She said the EU has to put rights before other interests.

October 4, 2014

Repression in Azerbaijan met with encouraging signs at Council of Europe

Azerbaijan’s chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe was, from its beginning, a problem: the country was not showing enough efforts to improve its human rights record and true willingness to implement recommendations made by Council of Europe mechanisms. Since it acceded to the chairmanship in May 2014, the record became even worse, with an unprecedented repression of civil society on-going in Azerbaijan.