HRC 31: HRHN statement on human rights situation in Ukraine
Human Rights House Network raises serious concerns over the human rights situation in Crimea, addressing human rights abuses linked to Russia’s occupation, and policies adopted by Ukraine that have exacerbated the situation. It was delivered on 22 March 2016, under item 10 at the 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.
HRC 31: Statement on UPR Adoption of Georgia
Human Rights House Network delivered a statement, endorsed by members of the Human Rights House Tbilisi, during the UPR Report Consideration of Georgia.
Released: Anar Mammadli and Rasul Jafarov
Anar Mammadli and Rasul Jafarov will be released from prison along with other activists and journalists in Azerbaijan.
Let’s celebrate Freedom Day together!
On 25 March, 2016 in Vilnius all Belarusians will come together to celebrate Freedom Day. This memorable date will be marked by a number of different events.
25 сакавіка 2016 года ў Вільні ўсе беларусы збяруцца разам, каб адсвяткаваць Дзень Волі. Гэта памятная дата будзе адзначана шэрагам разнастайных мерапрыемстваў.
Death convict’s brother complains about the pressure in colony
Aliaksei Khmialeuski reports that he is experiencing unbearable pressure in the colony, which began after the death sentence of his own brother. In mid-February the Minsk district court issued the death sentence against 31-year old Siarhei Khmialeuski for double or more homicide. This is the second death sentence in 2016.
Брат асуджанага да смерці скардзіцца на прэсінг
Аляксей Хмялеўскі паведамляе, што зведвае невыносны прэсінг у папраўчай калоніі, які распачаўся пасля вынясення смяротнага прысуду яго роднаму брату. У сярэдзіне лютага Мінскі абласны суд вынес смяротны прысуд 31-гадоваму жыхару пасёлка Мачулішчы Мінскага раёна Сяргею Хмялеўская за жорсткае забойства двух і больш асобаў. Гэта другі смяротны прысуд, вынесены ў Беларусі з пачатку 2016 года.
Attacks on Polish NGOs
318 Polish non-governmental organizations have signed an open letter to the Prime Minister Beata Szydło, urging her to take action in response to verbal abuse and violent physical attacks on NGOs and activists, which recently took place in Warsaw.
HRC 31: HRHN Statement on Peaceful Protest
On 9 March 2016, HRHN delivered a statement on the right to peaceful protest, at the 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council, in response to the joint report on peaceful assembly by Special Rapporteurs Maina Kiai and Christof Heyns.
Celebrating Women Human Rights Defenders
On International Women’s Day, HRHN celebrates the achievements of women human rights defenders, and reflects on the heightened risks women face in defending human rights.
ILIA Concluding Conference: the growing ILIA community and new prospects
On 26–28 February, participants, alumni, and experts from Human Rights House Network’s International Law in Advocacy (ILIA) program met in Vilnius, at the Constitutional Court, to mark a successful conclusion to the third cycle of the program, and to welcome a new cohort of dedicated and enthusiastic human rights lawyers into the ILIA community.
Human Rights Council 31: Statement on Human Rights Defenders
The Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) welcomes the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders on good practices on the protection of human rights defenders and his consultative work with civil society organisations.The protection of human rights defenders is an essential part of the obligations that international human rights law imposes on States.