

May 4, 2017

Human rights voted down in EP-Azerbaijan dialogue

Attempts at raising human rights issues were voted down at the official dialogue between the European Parliament (EP) and Azerbaijani parliamentarians – at their second meeting after years of strained relations.

May 3, 2017

Free Media Award: Crimea and Azerbaijan focus among Fritt Ord winners

Independent media outlet Meydan TV and journalist Anton Naumlyuk won the Fritt Ord Foundation’s Free Media Awards for their contribution to independent information and efforts to shed light on human rights violations in Azerbaijan and Crimea.

May 3, 2017

Free Azerbaijani Journalist Mehman Huseynov

On World Press Freedom Day, 32 human rights organisations, including Human Rights House Foundation, issue a joint statement calling on the Azerbaijani authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Mehman Huseynov.

April 27, 2017

Responding to annexation of Crimea with human rights

After threats by Russian special forces, Olga Skrypnyk had to flee from Crimea to mainland Ukraine. Rebuilding her life in Kyiv she is even more focused on human rights, but the annexation of Crimea has changed the direction of her work.

April 27, 2017

Belarusian defender fined, following arrest while monitoring protests

Tatsiana Reviaka, President of the Belarusian Human Rights House, has been fined 460 roubles (EUR 230), the average monthly salary in Belarus, on charges of “disorderly conduct” and “disobedience to the lawful order of the police.”

April 27, 2017

The Security Council’s Weakest Link

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) recently convened a thematic meeting focused solely on human rights – for the first time. This first attempt needs to herald a new era for human rights dialogue at the UN’s top body, in which civil society must push for and be granted a role as a partner.

April 20, 2017

Council of Europe: Investigate Corruption Allegations

In a letter addressed to members of the Bureau of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, 56 NGOs including HRHF called for the launch of an external, independent, and impartial investigation into allegations of corruption and other violations of the parliamentary assembly code of conduct in connection with its work on Azerbaijan

April 19, 2017

Defenders or Violators?

Lack of Independence of Judicial Officials and Prosecution of Human Rights Defenders in Member States of the Council of Europe

April 17, 2017

The trial of Tatsiana Reviaka should not become an example of persecution

Human Rights House Foundation appealed to the chairman of the court of Tsentralny district of Minsk, where the hearing of the human rights defender Tatsiana Reviaka case will take place.

April 17, 2017

Судовае разбіральніцтва ў дачыненні да Таццяны Рэвяка не павінна стаць прыкладам пераследу

Фонд дамоў правоў чалавека звярнуўся да старшыні суда Цэнтральнага раёна Мінска, у якім 18 красавіка будзе разглядацца справа праваабаронцы Таццяны Рэвяка.

April 12, 2017

Croatian President and Premier must unequivocally condemn human rights violations in Hungary

Press release: Reaction to the arrival of President of Hungary János Áder in Croatia.

April 12, 2017

Azerbaijan Court upholds defamation conviction against photojournalist

Mehman Huseynov, sentenced to two years in prison for defamation, for complaining of having been tortured while in police custody, has had his conviction upheld by the Court of Appeal.