Azerbaijan: OSCE to deploy over 500 Observers in parliamentary elections
OSCE ODIHR has released the report on the findings of the Needs Assessment Mission (NAM). The mission visited Republic of Azerbaijan from June 5 to 10 with the purpose to assess problems, which need urgent solution, to strengthen public confidence in elections and fulfillment of obligations by Republic of Azerbaijan to OSCE. The NAM held meetings in Baku with representatives of the authorities, election administration, political parties, civil society, media and international community.(22-Jun-2005)
Colombia: Over 7000 registered “disappearances”
More than 7000 “disappeared” persons have been registered by the Association of the Families of the Detained and Disappeared (ASFADDES) in Colombia. For the families there is no closure. (22-JUNE-05)
-We are prisoners of our own country
As part of the marking of Aung San Suu Kyi’s 60th birthday outside the Norwegian Parliament last Sunday, Kaythi, a Burmese human rights activist presented the following appeal. -Please use your liberty to promote ours, begged Kaythi, on behalf not only of the 1400 known political prisoners in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar), but rather for the entire population. (21-JUNE-05)
Here’s how a Human Rights House works
During his recent visit to the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo, Dalai Lama (right) willingly signed one of the thousands of post cards these days being sent to Aung San Suu Kyi, on the occasion of her 60th birthday 19 June. If the Norwegian Tibet Committe and the Norwegian Burma Committe had not been in the same house, Dalai Lama´s spontaneous, but hugely important act of solidarity most probably wouldn´t have happened, says HRH´s Niels Jacob Harbitz. (21-JUNE-05)
-The wish for democracy can no longer be silenced
On Tuesday 14 June, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dalai Lama visited the Norwegian Human Rights House. -The wish for democracy among the Chinese people has grown so strong that it can no longer be silenced, said the Buddhist, who himself is the best example of just that. (15-JUNE-05)
United States: Court case over comic book’s nude Picasso
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is backing a legal challenge to charges brought against a US shopkeeper who accidently allowed a child to be given a copy of a comic book featuring images of artist Pablo Picasso in the nude. (13-JUN-05)
Freedom of information left in tsunami’s wake
The earthquake and tsunamis that hit South and Southeast Asia on 26
December 2004 resulted in a tragedy of enormous proportions. Access to information takes on new meaning in the context of a natural disaster. ARTICLE 19’s recent report highlights the importance of fulfilling the rights to expression and information. (06-JUN-05)
The CHC presented Annual Report for 2004
The overall human rights situation in Republic of Croatia has continued improving gradually in 2004, according to the Annual Report of the Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights. The report was presented today in the Centre for Human Rights in Zagreb by Zarko Puhovski, the Chairman of the Committee and Srdjan Dvornik, the Executive Director of the CHC. (20-JUN-05)
19 June is Aung San Suu Kyi’s 60th birthday
On 19 June, the charismatic Nobel Peace Prize Laureate from 1991 Aung San Suu Kyi turns 60. The Burmese human rights defender and democracy campaigner is under house arrest for the third time, and will on her birthday have served an accumulated nine years and 238 days since she was first refused to leave her home in 1989. For the last two years, she has been unable to communicate with the outside world. (18-JUNE-05)
Seminar: The situation for Kurdistan’s women
On Tuesday 28 June, the Women’s Issues Group within the Norwegian Council for the Rights of the Kurdish People, one of the organisations in the Norwegian Human Rights House in Oslo, will host a seminar on the women’s situation in Kurdistan. The seminar, which begins at 17.00 hrs., is open to the public. (17-JUNE-05)
Election? What election, say Iranian Kurds
All Kurds share the joy that Iraq has had a Kurdish President and that Barzani is elected to be President in three Kurdish provinces in Northern Iraq. However, liberation in some parts of Kurdistan does not grant that basic human rights are observed for all Kurds, says Mr. Abdurrahman Heci, leader of the Iranian Kurdish party PJAK. Mr. Abdurrahman visited the Norwegian Human Rights House on Thursday 16 June. (17-JUNE-05)
So much for multi-partyism, says key human rights defender
-The forthcoming referendum on multi-partyism is opposed by civil society, oppositional political parties and the donor community, and not only for its wastefulness, says Martin Masiga (right), Executive Director of HURINET, one of the leading human rights organisations in the Republic of Uganda. Read Masiga’s background on the issue. (17-JUNE-05)