Another HFHR anti-discrimination program is under way!
On September 28th, an anti-discrimination training course for lawyers from Republic of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia began in Falenty near Warsaw. The training is the first stage of the program EU Non-Discrimination Law Training for Trainers from Republic of Poland, Lithuania and Latvia organized by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights and INTERIGHTS. (30-SEP-05)
Natasa Kandic – honorary citizen of the city of Sarajevo
The Assembly of the city of Sarajevo, at its session held on 29 September 2005, gave Mrs. Natasa Kandic, the executive director of the Humanitarian Law Center, an honorary citizen of the city of Sarajevo award! (30-SEP-05)
Dismay at Tunisia’s ‘real and virtual’ rights abuses
As long as rights abuses continue in Tunisia, freedom of expression experts will continue to question the credibility of the UN World Summit on the Information Society if it is held there as planned this year. The free expression community is increasingly concerned about the country´s record on free speech, and worries that the Tunisian government is seeking to stifle dissent on the eve of the WSIS, scheduled to take place in Tunis, 16-18 November 2005. (30-SEPT-05)
Rebyia Kadeer comes to Bergen on October 14th!
The Rafto Foundation will at long last be able to welcome Rebyia Kadeer in Bergen. She is coming to Norway to thank for the support and increased awareness on the human rights situation for the Uyghur population in Northwestern the People´s Republic of China. Mrs Kadeer will also discuss the matter of fifteen inncocent Uyghurs imprisoned on Guantanamo (10-OCT-2006)
China warns of Xinjiang “danger”.
BBC News reported on September 29th that the People´s Republic of China will tighten their grip on the Uyghurs.
Attacks on journalists and detentions of youth activists in Baku
According to BBC News the police in the Republic of Azerbaijan have beaten and arrested dozens of protesters during a rally in the capital, Baku, on 25 September. The Interior Ministry said the rally was not sanctioned and protesters had been warned that force would be used. (29-SEPT-05)
Update: Russian activist could face five years’ imprisonment
From his colleague Tatiana Banina, who recently was among the delegates to HRH´s conference, workshops and annual meeting in Baku, has just learnt that Stanislav Dmitrievski, right, of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society has received an indictment stating that he is guilty of having performed actions aimed at inciting hatred or hostility. The maximum penalty for this crime is five years´ imprisonment. (30-SEP-05)
-This network is not only growing. It is growing up
Maria Dahle, right, Executive Director of HRH, left Baku with a big smile on her face. -Going into its second decade, she says, -the Human Rights House Network is showing signs of maturing into something far bigger and more powerful than we could have hoped for only a few years ago. (30-SEP-05)
Oppression of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society
On 29 September Stanislav Dmitrievsky, right, the executive director of the Russian-Chechen Friendship Society and the mane editor of the newspaper Pravo-zashchita, was handed the accusative conclusion of the indictment of inciting interregional and ethic enmity, in accordance with Article 282 Procedural Criminal Code, of the Russian Federation. The maximum punishment provided by this Article is 5 years´ imprisonment. (29-Sep-05)
Croatia worse than Serbia and Bosnia on freedom of information
Celebrating the International Public Right to Know Day on 28th September, the Croatian Helsinki Committee presented results of the comparative survey of the implementation of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) in the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Serbia. According to the results presented in the Press Club on Wednesday 28th September, Republic of Croatia stands behind Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia in implementation of the FOIA. (28-SEP-05)
HRH conference, workshops and network meeting 2005, gallery
With us to Baku earlier this month, HRH brought Baard Brinchmann Lovvig, right, a professional photographer, to cover the proceedings of the conference, workshops and network meeting also in pictures. Below, see a selection of his shots from the four intensive days the delegates spent together from 7 to 10 September. (29-SEP-05)
Stop the harassment of critical voices in Azerbaijan
Azeri authorities must stop the harassment of independent journalists, political activists and human rights defenders. This is the message in a statement from the Human Rights House Network in the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Poland, Norway, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Republic of Croatia, England, Republic of Kenya and Republic of Uganda, the Swedish Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Defenders Office of the International Service for Human Rights adopted 8 September in Baku. (20-SEP-05)