

October 15, 2005

Take Burma to the UN Security Council, say Burma activists worldwide

The United Nations Security Council should urgently consider the human rights and political situation in Burma in order to address widespread and systematic abuse of human rights by the military government, Human Rights Watch said today. -So say we, adds Marte Graff Jensen (right), Informaton Officer at the Norwegian Burma Committee. (15-OCT-05)

October 15, 2005

Croatian journalist appeared before the Hague Tribunal

Being the first Croatian journalist ever to appear in front of the Hague Tribunal, Josip Jovic (right) pleaded not guilty to charges for contempt of the Court. The indictment against Jovic was filed on August 29th 2005 for publishing transcripts of the prosecution´s protected witness testimony at the Blaskic trial. (15-OCT-05)

October 14, 2005

New Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe

On 5th October 2005, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe elected new Commissioner for Human Rights – Mr Thomas Hammarberg who won the most votes in the second round, defeating two other candidates: Mr Marek Antoni Nowicki – President of the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, and Marc Verwilghen – Belgian minister of economy and power industry. (14-OCT-05)

October 14, 2005

New report claims Burma is a slow genocide

After several years’ research the report ‘Dying Alive: A Legal Assessment of Human Rights in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar),’ was recently released by the British human rights campaigner Guy Horton. Now, Horton travels the world to convince authorities that what he describes as the slow genocide of Burma is a long overdue case for the UN Security Council. Yesterday, Horton also visited the Human Rights House (right) in Oslo. (14-OCT-05)

October 13, 2005

In SW Uganda, there is reason to fear that the elections will be violent

From the South West regions of Republic of Uganda, Orishabag Bagamuhunda Justus (right), the Executive Director of the human rights NGO Kizeri Human Rights Activists (KHRA) expresses a deep fear that next year´s elections will be particularly violent in the districts of Kabale, Rukungiri and Kanungu, all in the South West, bordering Rwanda and DR Congo. Below, Justus explains why. (13-OCT-05)

October 13, 2005

Third Dublin Platform for Human Rights Defenders

Frontline, the international human rights defenders organisation with whom HRH has cooperated on several occasions, is hosting its annual Dublin platform, from today, 13 October until Saturday. The third Dublin platform will bring together more than one hundred human rights defenders from over seventy countries. Borghild Tonnessen-Krokan of HRH?s secretariat participates. (13-OCT-05)

October 12, 2005

Stop the death penalty, torture and repressions in Uzbekistan!

On 10 October 2005 activists from Amnesty International led a protest in Moscow against the death penalty, torture and repressions in the Republic of Uzbekistan. They used symbolic human figures of “silent witnesses” on which they put the names of real people who are subject to torture and condemned to death. (12-OCT-2005)

October 12, 2005

Azeri NGOs appeal to the international community

On behalf of the emerging Human Rights House in Baku, the nine Azeri NGOs have sent a protest letter where they appeal to the international community to raise their voices in defense of human rights respect and freedom of assembly, press and speech in the Republic of Azerbaijan. (11-OCT-05)

October 12, 2005

Georgian authorities insult respected human rights defender

The Human Rights House Foundation asks Georgian authorities in a protest letter to guarantee the physical and psychological interity of Mr. Ucha Nanuashvili, the Executive Director of the independent Georgian organisation Human Rights Information and Documentation Center (HRIDC). (12-OCT-05)

October 12, 2005

HRH condemns police violence in Baku

In a protest letter to the Azerbaijani president Mr. Ilham Aliyev the Human Rights House Foundation (HRH) condemns the use of violence against opposition and independent journalists in the centre of Baku on the 9th of October. The brutal methods of the police are unacceptable and violates international standards, says HRH. Read the letter below. (11-OCT-05).

October 11, 2005

Sudanese newspapers still under threat despite recent promises

Not one month after Sudan’s president promised his country a free press, two Sudanese Arabic-language dailies had their printing presses shut down without explanation. The move was neither out of character nor unexpected, but it did abruptly end the honeymoon that permeated Sudan?s political arenas throughout much of July. Index on Censorship reports. (11-OCT-05)

October 11, 2005

Tibetans jailed in Nepal, deportation likely

From the Norwegian Tibet Committee, a member of the Norwegian Human Rights House, www.humanrightshouse,org has received the following story, another example of violations of the human rights of Tibetan refugees by Nepalese authorities. As previously reported on this site, the situation for Tibetan refugees in Nepal is getting increasingly difficult. (11-OCT-05)