ICTY: Stanisic and Zupljanin plead not guilty
Mico Stanisic and Stojan Zupljanin deny the allegations contained in the new, merged indictment, which charges them with crimes committed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Journalist = Extremist?
In spite of official Minsk’s statements considering further “liberalization steps” and readiness to re-involve some independent newspapers in the state-owned distribution system, the prosecution of non-governmental media in the Republic of Belarus continues.
Журналіст = экстрэміст?
Нягледзячы на заявы афіцыйнага Менску пра чарговыя “крокі лібералізацыі” і гатоўнасць вярнуць некаторыя апазіцыйныя выданні ў сістэму распаўсюду, у Беларусі працягваецца пераслед няўрадавых СМІ.
Karadzic wants to establish contacts with media
Radovan Karadzic, right, currently on trial at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in Hague, has agreed to give an interview to a Dutch newspaper. But there will be no such interview. The Hague Registrar says no.
Serbia to sue Croatia for war crimes
Serbia will respond to Croatia’s genocide suit at the International Court of Justice by suing its former foe for war crimes, the foreign minister said.
Draft war crimes strategy almost finished
After more than a year and a half the Working Group is finalising the draft Strategy for War Crimes Processing in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Burma: free speech crackdown accelerates
The Burmese people are still experiencing the backlash from the Saffron Revolution, right, with more and more writers, satirists and dissidents being locked up. ARTICLE 19 and Index on Censorship are immensely saddened by the plummeting situation, and the continuing deterioration of human rights and freedom of expression in the country.
HCHR’s monitoring of children and social rights in Macedonia
This year, Republic of Macedonia celebrates the 20th anniversary since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Unfortunately, in the course of the last few years the number of cases related to the violation of the rights of the child submitted to the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights (HCHR) in FYR Macedonia, has increased as well as the number of publicly disclosed cases indicating or even showing beyond any doubt violation of the rights of the child.
The Prosecutor General’s Office
carrying the defendants to court was involved in a crash.
However, there may be more twists
Judge Yevgeny Zubov of bias
However, there may be more twists and turns before the trial finally gets under way. The Prosecutor General’s Office has demanded that the presiding judge be replaced. They accuse Judge Yevgeny Zubov of bias.
Somali police arrest radio director
The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) condemns the arrest of journalist Hilal Sheik Shuayb, Director of the privately-owned Warsan Radio in Baidoa, South western Republic of Somalia.
Recital of Liberty: Freedom of Speech in Uzbekistan
Speakers for the evening include former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and author Craig Murray, Alisher Ilkhamov of the Open Society Institute, and Ania Corless, a member of English PEN’s Writers in Prison Committee. Hamid Ismailov, the Head of the Central Asia and Caucasus service, BBC World Service, will act as Chair.