Anti-LRA offensive could backfire, activists say
Peace activists in northern Republic of Uganda have criticised a weekend air and ground assault by the armed forces of Republic of Uganda, Southern Republic of the Sudan and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) against several Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) camps in north-eastern DRC. Right, LRA boy soldiers at Rikwangba, southern Republic of the Sudan.
Eight journalists seized in demo in Nairobi, Kenya
Eight journalists were arrested on Monday as police broke up demonstrations against the Republic of Kenya Communications (Amendment) Bill, 2008, which is designed to limit media freedom. Right, journalists running for cover from the teargas fired into the crowds by the riot police.
Вывучаць і выкладаць правы чалавека онлайн
12-13 студзеня беларускі Дом правоў чалавека ладзіў трэнінг па выкарыстанні онлайнавых матэрыялаў, тэматычна звязаных з Еўрапейскай Канвенцыяй правоў чалавека і Еўрапейскім Судом па правах чалавека.
Learn and teach human rights online
On 12-13 December the Belarusian Human Rights House hosted a training session on the use of online materials and topics related to the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR).
See nothing, hear nothing, know nothing!
Belarusian authorities continue to hamper and harass the work of the non-government mass media. Once again, independent journalists find themselves in police custody, in the courts and … underground.
Не бачыць, не чуць, не ведаць!
Беларускія ўлады працягваюць замінаць працы няўрадавых СМІ. Незалежныя журналісты зноўку апынаюцца ў міліцэйскіх пастарунках, судзе і… у падполлі.
Greece: NATO, UN back us over Macedonia
Athens’ demands from Skopje are backed by NATO and the United Nations, the Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis said Monday in an interview to German media.
Lajcak: Stop criticizing us
The Office of Bosnia’s top international envoy, High Representative Miroslav Lajcak, has demanded local leaders stop their growing criticism of the international community.
Rafto Laureate under siege in Western Sahara
In 2002, the Rafto Prize was awarded to the Saharawi symbol of freedom and liberation, Sidi Mohammed Daddach. At the time, he had endured more years in prison than outside. Six years on, he finds himself under constant surveillance, and Western Sahara still under Moroccan occupation.
Arbitrary detention of human rights defenders continues in OSCE states
As the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) publishes its report entitled ‘Human Rights Defenders in the OSCE Region: Challenges and Good Practices’ today in Vienna, the Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), remains extremely concerned over the ongoing repression of human rights defenders, and in particular over the practice of arbitrary detention against human rights defenders in a number of OSCE Participating States.
Free speech rapporteurs concerned about ‘defamation of religion’ and ‘anti-extremism’ laws
The freedom of expression rapporteurs of the United Nations, the OSCE, the Organization of American States (OAS), and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) released a joint declaration today on defamation of religions, and anti-terrorism and anti-extremism legislation.
Bundalo afraid to testify
Two Prosecution witnesses say that they are afraid for their family members’ safety because of their testimonies about crimes committed in Kalinovik. Testifying against the three indictees, charged with crimes committed in Kalinovik, Ilija Djorem and protected witness W1 said that they were afraid to testify because their family members might suffer some consequences.