Time for change in Turkey
Rafto Laureate Leyla Zana attended the 5th international conferance on EU, Republic of Turkey and the Kurds in Brussels on 28 January. Zana, together with several speakers, expressed their request for real changes in the Republic of Turkey.
United States: ARTICLE 19 and Privacy International Welcome New Openness Policies
ARTICLE 19 and Privacy International (PI) welcome US President Barack
Obama’s announcement on 21 January, of new policies enhancing public access
to government information, in one of his first official actions as President. These
changes mark a significant departure from previous policies.
ICC opens its first trial against Congolese warlord
The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organisations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Association africaine des droits de l’Homme (ASADHO), Groupe Lotus and Ligue des électeurs, welcome the opening of the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) trial of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo on Monday 26 January. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, right, is accused of having committed war crimes in the district of Ituri, Province Orientale, DRC between September 2002 and August 2003.
Зварот праваабаронцаў і адвакатаў, журналістаў і актывістаў грамадзянскай супольнасьці Беларусі з нагоды апошніх замоўных забойстваў у Расеі …
Шакіруючая трагічная навіна ўскалыхнула сусьветную грамадзкасьць і смуткам адгукнулася ў сэрцах Беларусаў!
OSCE urges Russian authorities to act against attacks on journalists
While the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has called upon Russian authorities to protect journalists, the journalists themselves have appealed to the authorities for permission to carry weapons.
Macedonians plan “Freedom Of Speech” fund
A group of Macedonian businessmen plans to create a “Freedom of Speech” fund to cover the expenses of journalists and intellectuals fined for slander against politicians, a prominent university professor and columnist said.
Lajcak to leave Bosnia OHR post
Bosnia’s top international envoy, Miroslav Lajcak, is leaving his post in Bosnia in the middle of a political deadlock to take up the job of Slovakian Foreign Minister, sending the international community into urgent consultations to identify a possible replacement.
ICC’s first trial focuses on child soldiers
The International Criminal Court’s (ICC) trial of Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, right, scheduled to begin on January 26, 2009 in The Hague, marks an important stage in efforts to establish responsibility for the use of children in military operations, Human Rights Watch said today. Another Congolese warlord sought by the ICC, Bosco Ntaganda, remains at large.
Sudanese govt. troops kill civilians in Darfur camp
A new UN report into the killing of 33 civilians and wounding of 108 others in a camp for displaced people in Darfur last August concludes that Sudanese government security forces violated international human rights law by using lethal force in “an unnecessary, disproportionate and therefore unlawful manner.” Right, civilian victim from a previous attack.
Cuba: English PEN calls for government to desist from detention
This month, while the Cuban government celebrates the 50th anniversary of its revolution, English PEN as part of its Writers in Prison Campaign, highlights the continued illegal imprisonment of Léster Luis Gonzélez Pentón, right. Six years after his arrest, the Cuban government continues to use arbitrary detention to threaten and stifle freedom of expression.
Russia is stunned by its two most recent high-profile murders
Over the last few days, vigils, silent protests and commemorative meetings for Stanislav Markelov and Anastasiya Baburova, the two most recent victims of politically motivated murders, have taken place all over the Russian Federation. The participants demand a thorough, transparent and impartial investigation into the murders, and for the perpetrators to be brought to trial. Effective steps for the protection of human rights in the Russian Federation must also be taken.
Improving social services for asylum seekers
Center for Peace Studies – CMS held a training from 8th-10th January where the Coordination body of organizations for providing social services to asylum seekers in the Republic of Croatia was established. The training was held within CMS long planned project regarding improvement of social services for asylum seekers.