Tackling burnout among defenders in Ukraine
Identifying burnout at work as “the scourge of the 21st century”, two member organisations of Human Rights House Tbilisi and Educational Human Rights House Chernihiv developed a programme for human rights defenders offering guidelines and best practices to prevent and recover from burnout.
Патрабуем неадкладнага вызвалення палітвязня Сцяпана Латыпава
Супольная заява беларускай праваабарончай супольнасці.
Belarus: Criminal defamation case against editor-in-chief of Nasha Niva Yahor Martsinovich must be dropped
Human Rights House Foundation joins 30 Belarusian and international organisations calling for the Belarusian authorities to drop their criminal defamation lawsuit against editor-in-chief of Nasha Niva, Yahor Martsinovich and to immediately release him from custody.
Патрабуем неадкладнага вызвалення палітзняволенай, праваабаронцы ПЦ “Вясна” Марфы Рабковай
Супольная заява беларускай праваабарончай супольнасці.
New UN human rights investigative mechanism in Belarus must accompany political dialogue
After holding an urgent debate today to scrutinise the serious human rights violations surrounding the 9 August presidential election in Belarus, the UN took immediate action, mandating its most senior human rights official to outline a process for accountability in Belarus before the end of the year.
Патрабуем неадкладнага вызвалення палітвязняў, затрыманых у межах крымінальнай справы аб масавых беспарадках
Супольная заява праваабарончых арганізацый Беларусі.
We stand with Belarus
Download our “We Stand With Belarus” graphics pack to show your support for Belarusian civil society.
Открытое заявление в связи с задержанием белорусских адвокатов Ильи Салея и Максима Знака
77 ведущих правозащитных организаций, ассоциаций адвокатов и юристов, из более чем 20 стран мира, подписали Открытое заявление в связи с задержанием белорусских адвокатов Ильи Салея и Максима Знака.
Open statement in connection with the detention of Belarusian lawyers Ilya Salei and Maksim Znak
More than 60 civil society organisations and actors, including Human Rights House Foundation, have signed an open letter expressing deep concern at the detention of lawyers Ilya Salei and Maksim Znak on September 9, 2020, in Belarus, in a criminal case which is undeniably politically motivated.
Патрабуем неадкладнага вызвалення Марыі Калеснікавай, Максіма Знака і Іллі Салея
Супольная заява беларускіх праваабарончых арганізацый
Azerbaijani authorities must cease crackdown on dissenting voices, and release political prisoners
Human Rights House Foundation is very concerned about the expansion of persecution of dissenting voices in Azerbaijan. This is a deeply worrying trend that has taken place over many years and only increased under the guise of Covid-19 response since March.
Заклікаем да неадкладнага спынення рэпрэсій у дачыненні грамадзян, а таксама вызвалення ўсіх палітзняволеных
Супольная заява беларускіх праваабарончых арганізацый