Victims of Darfur crisis lose out in media coverage
A new report uncovering media coverage of the Darfur crisis shows that Sudanese and Arab media give little priority to the Darfur conflict and when covered, they mainly focus on the political aspects. Right, civilian killed in Darfur.
Launch of Electoral Reform Initiative important step towards fair and free elections in Uganda
A new initiative to spearhead electoral reform in the Republic of Uganda, the Citizens Coalition on Electoral Democracy in the Republic of Uganda (CCEDU) was launched yesterday, on 19th August 2009 in Kampala. The initiative organized by civil society intends to mobilize citizens to promote electoral reforms crucial in the run up to the 2011 elections and beyond. Right, Ugandans lining up to vote in the previous elections, in 2006.
Russian TV journalists deported from Belarus
Reporters of Russian NTV were making a movie about missing Belarusian public figures. Two prominent Belarusian oppositional politicians and a businessman were abducted and allegedly murdered in 1999, a journalist of Russian ORT television – in 2000. 10 years after the tragedy, relatives of the missing urge the world to force Republic of Belarus government to tell the truth about their destiny.
Functioning of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau
On 22 June 2009 Polish Constitutional Tribunal announced a judgement in case concerning the functioning of the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau (CBA; signature K 54/07).
Пікет у абарону сацыяльных правоў грамадзянаў забаронены
Менгарвыканкам не дазволіў правядзенне пікету ў абарону сацыяльных правоў грамадзянаў ва ўмовах эканамічнага крызісу. Акцыю планавалася правесці на плошчы Якуба Коласа ў аўторак. Мерапрыемства арганізоўвалася актывістамі Партыі камуністаў Беларускай з мэтай “спынення наступу на сацыяльныя правы працоўных”.
Empowering Croatian youth
8th Mlada MIRamiDA peace-building training for young activists from Republic of Croatia was organized in Zadar from 17 to 27 July. The training was realized in cooperation with CMS, Croatian Youth Network, and Documenta.
Plight of bloggers gains international support
US deputy assistant secretary of state Matthew Bryza has called for the resolution of the case of bloggers Emin Milli and Adnan Hajizada, who were jailed in July for “hooliganism” after they published a satirical video online. Right, Adnan Hajizada in a donkey suit.
Mostar: City without mayor
Due to the inability of two leading political parties to reach agreement, the city of Mostar has been “functioning” without a mayor for nine months now. Local tensions growing out of this situation now threaten to poison relations between leading Bosniak and Croat parties on state level as well.
New edition of Megjashi’s e-newsletter released
The new, 35th edition of the First Children’s Embassy in the World – Megjashi’s E-Newsletter ‘Bristly’ contains articles on work and activities of this organization, in the period from March to July 2009.
Educational Program
Knowing your rights and herstory, empower and activate yourself!
Call for Essays
How EU can learn from war and post-war experience of ex-Yugoslavia countries regarding the models of peace-building?
Беларускім уладам – ліст з нагоды адмовы ў рэгістрацыі “Нашай вясны”
Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека ў выгнанні ў Вільні і Фундацыя дамоў правоў чалавека даслала адкрыты ліст на імя беларускіх уладаў. У звароце выражанае глыбокае расчараванне з нагоды рашэння Вярхоўнага Суду Беларусі адхіліць скаргу на адмову ў рэгістрацыі праваабарончай арганізацыі “Наша Вясна”.