

November 22, 2009

Ministry of information issued written warnings to four periodicals at a time

On 16 November the editorial offices of Naša Niva and Va-Bank recieved written warnings from the Ministry of Information, and on 17 November Narodnaja Vola and Komsomolskaja Pradva v Biełarusi offices got the same message from the officials. Warnings were issued on the pretext that “publications violated several provisions of the Law on Mass Media.”

November 21, 2009

Court serves also the homeless

On 20 October 2009 the European Court of Human Rights returned a verdict in the case Nowiński v. Republic of Poland (25924/06). It claimed that the interpretation of the rules of civil procedure by the Polish courts violated the right to court access.

November 21, 2009

Палітвязня абвінавацілі ў падрыхтоўцы тэракту

Прадпрымальніку і праціўніку ўладаў Мікалаю Аўтуховічу выставілі абвінавачанне ў падрыхтоўцы да тэрарыстычнага акту. Больш інфармацыі аб справе грамадскасці атрымаць не ўдаецца, бо адвакат М. Аўтуховіча быў змушаны даць падпіску аб неабвяшэнні матэрыялу следства. Іншы палітычны зняволены – маладзёвы актывіст Арцём Дубскі – мае за кратамі браць шлюб.

November 20, 2009

No responsibility for organising a spontaneous assembly

The Warsaw-Śródmieście District Court in a verdict of 16 October 2008 acquitted D. Szwed of charges of organising and presiding over an unlawful assembly (article 52 § 1 of the Petty Offences’ Code) which protested against building a motorway through Rospuda Valley.

November 20, 2009

Observatory issues urgent appeal on Aleksei Sokolov case

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), has received new information and requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in the Russian Federation.

November 20, 2009

The First Citizens’ March of Tolerance held in Skopje

On November 16, the International Day for Tolerance, the first ever Citizens’ March of Tolerance was held in Skopje, organized by the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in FYR Macedonia. With this march Macedonian citizens showed that they are ready to fight against the prejudices and discrimination on the basis of disability, ethnical, religious, political, social, racial background, gender identity, sexual orientation, which still exist in Macedonian society.

November 20, 2009

Міністэрства інфармацыі пісьмова папярэдзіла адразу 4 выданні

16 лістапада папярэдзілі рэдакцыю «Нашай Нівы», а таксама рэдакцыю і заснавальніка газеты «Ва-банкъ», а 17 лістапада — рэдакцыі «Народнай волі» і «Комсомольской правды» в Белоруссии». Папярэджанні вынесеныя «ў сувязі з парушэннямі ў публікацыях шэрагу друкаваных СМІ патрабаванняў закона „Аб СМІ“».

November 20, 2009

Field research report on perception of children’s rights

The field research report on perception of children’s rights, discrimination and children’s exposure to violence was presented in Skopje on November 19th. The event was organized on occasion of World Day for the Prevention of Child Abuse (November 19) and the World Children’s Day (November 20), the day on which, 20 years ago, the Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

November 20, 2009

Opening of the Human Rights House Zagreb

Offical ceremony

November 20, 2009

16 Days of Activism

International Campaign

November 19, 2009

Kenya: New law shuts door to gay weddings

Those wishing to marry partners of the same sex still have to seek countries where such marriages are allowed, before they can tie the knot. Same sex marriages will not be allowed if proposals in the harmonised draft constitution become law.

November 19, 2009

Vietnam: the price for solidarity

The Writers in Prison Committee of International PEN is seriously concerned for the health of two detained writers in Vietnam, Tran Khai Thanh Thuy and Nguyen Van Ly. International PEN seeks immediate assurances of their well being, urges that they be given full access to all necessary medical care and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of writers on humanitarian grounds.