

December 31, 2009

Wars and disputed elections: most dangerous stories for journalists

Two appalling events marked 2009: one was the largest ever massacre of journalists in a single day – a total of 30 killed –by the private militia of a governor in the southern Philippines and the other was an unprecedented wave of arrests and convictions of journalists and bloggers in Islamic Republic of Iran following President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s disputed reelection.

December 30, 2009

Croatia elections generally in line with international standards

The 23 November elections to the Parliament of the Republic of Croatia were conducted generally in line with OSCE commitments and international standards for democratic elections. However, some issues remain to be addressed, concluded the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Election Observation Mission (EOM).

December 30, 2009

2009: застой і дынаміка адначасова

Для беларускага трэцяга сектара сыходзячы 2009 год адзначыўся як багаты на падзеі, супрацьлеглыя па сваіх ідэалагічных накірунках: аўтарытарныя тэндэнцыі ішлі рука аб руку з адлігай лібералізацыі. Які ж з накірункаў быў больш заўважным і моцным на агульным сацыяльна-палітычным полі краіны?

December 30, 2009

Новый выпуск кавказского независимого журнала «ДОШ»

Основная часть материалов, собранных в последнем выпуске «ДОШ» уходящего года, посвящена 15-летию начала так называемой первой войны, когда 11 декабря 1994 года с трех направлений в сторону Чеченской республики двинулись российские войска.

December 29, 2009

Ethiopian journalists accuse media owner of curtailing their professional freedom

Three editors at the weekly Amharic The Reporter newspaper have accused the owner and publisher of interfering with their editorial independence by dictating to them what to write. Ethiopia’s new media law stipulates that media professionals should be free from the influence of media owners.

December 29, 2009

London Open Word House 2009 summary

In 2009, Index on Censorship, English PEN and ARTICLE 19 became part of the Free Word Centre, an international centre for literature, literacy and free expression. The three organisations played a leading and formative role in the development of the centre. Here is a summary of the NGOs’ activities in 2009.

December 29, 2009

Rafto House in Bergen: moments of the year gone by

2009 Rafto Prize for a journalist from Republic of Azerbaijan, release of a documentary describing North Korean concentration camps, demonstration in Bergen calling for the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and a free Burma and release of DVD presenting 2008 Rafto Prize winner’s Pastor’s Bulambo’s work in DR Congo were the main activities of the Rafto House in Bergen. We suggest a summary of the NGOs’ activities in 2009.

December 29, 2009

Oslo House in 2009: working for HR worldwide

HRH in Oslo celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2009 and moved to a new building. Living in peace and in safety, the eight organisations of the House had multiple initivatives this year in different areas mostly dedicated to human rights abroad. They also served as coorganisers of campaigns and forums. Find a summary of our partner NGOs’ activities in 2009 herein.

December 28, 2009

Mexico 2009: 12 journalists killed

Ramirez, Miranda, Martinez, Montanez, Martín, Barrón, Ortega, Hernandez, Ibarra, Mendez, Vázquez, Robles. The killing of 12 journalists in Mexico this year and the failure to bring murderers to justice poses a serious problem for Mexican democracy, argues Ángel García Català in a comment ‘Mexico: democracy without voice’ for Index on Censorship.

December 27, 2009

Preventive human rights defence: reality or utopia?

From 23 to 25 December Belarusian HRH hosted a conference Possibilities of Preventive HR Defence. Representatives of various organisations from Republic of Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine and the Russian Federation shared their views and exchanged ideas.

December 26, 2009

Released protesters vow to fight on till justice is done

Police on Saturday released 22 civil society activists, including two elderly women, who were arrested on Christmas eve for alleged illegal assembly. The group led by Okiya Okoiti Omtatah was arrested along Aga Khan Walk as they prepared to march to the Prime Minister’s office at the Treasury and later to the Education ministry headquarters at Jogoo House to protest the theft of money at the ministry.

December 25, 2009

Прэвентыўная абарона правоў: рэальнасць ці ўтопія?

З 23 па 25 снежня ў беларускім Доме правоў чалавека праходзіць праваабарончая канферэнцыя па тэме «Магчымасці прэвентыўнай абароны правоў. Удзельнікі мерапрыемства – прадстаўнікі розных праваабароннчых арганізацый з Беларусі, Літвы, Украіны, Расіі.