

May 16, 2010

Belarusian HR defenders “chauvinists and paranoiacs,” say Belarusian authorities

Harassment of human rights defenders in the Republic of Belarus has not gone unnoticed by the UN Human Rights Council. A report for 2009, produced by the watchdog’s Special Rapporteur, contains concerns about a ‘very restrictive’ environment in which Belarusian human rights defenders are able to operate. The case of Leanid Svetsik, right, duly covered on this website, is given in-depth attention.

May 15, 2010

Tibetan writer Tagyal detained after criticizing earthquake relief efforts

Tibetan writer Tagyal (pen-name Shogdung) was arrested on 23 April 2010 in the People´s Republic of China after criticising the authorities in an open letter. Tagyal may be held solely for peacefully exercising his right to free expression which is protected under Article 19 of the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), to which the People´s Republic of China is a signatory.

May 15, 2010

Беларускія ўлады так і не зразумелі ААН

12 траўня ў Жэневе адбылося абмеркаванне справаздачы беларускага ўраду ў межах працэдуры Універсальнага перыядычнага агляду ў Савеце па правах чалавека ААН. Пазіцыі афіцыйнага дакладчыка і прадстаўнікоў праваабарончацкага сектару прадказальна адрозніваліся і нават супярэчылі адна адной. Сітуацыю каментуе вядомы беларускі праваабаронца Алесь Бяляцкі, які прысутнічаў на абмеркаванні справаздачы.

May 15, 2010

West Africa: new initiative for regional Right to Information agreement

ARTICLE 19, the West African Journalists Association and other partners welcome the ECOWAS Commission’s initiative to develop a regional Protocol on the Right to Information, and to involve civil society and media associations in its drafting.

May 14, 2010

Kazakhstan’s OSCE chairmanship: Kazakhstan must implement its Human Rights obligations

-Kazakhstan, the current chair of The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), does not fully abide with OSCE human rights standards, the Norwegian Helsinki Committee and the Oslo Center say in a mutual statement made in Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan on 11 May 2010. The statement follows a new round of talks with foreign minister Saudabayev.

May 14, 2010

Belarusian NGOs and international community discuss the situation of human rights in Belarus

Representatives of the Belarusian NGOs held a number of events on 12 May in Geneva that were connected with the report of the Belarusian authorities within the guidelines of the procedure of the Universal Periodical Review at the UN Human Rights Council.

May 14, 2010

Праваабаронцы вачыма ўладаў: шавіністы і параноікі

Камісія па правах чалавека Генеральнай асамблеі ААН выпусціла спецыяльную справаздачу – агляд па сітуацыі праваабаронцаў ў розных краінах на перыяд са снежня 2008 па снежань 2009. У дакладзе знайшлося месца і Беларусі, якая традыцыйна сутыкаецца з праблемамі запалохвання і ціску праваабаронцаў і іх дзейнасці. У дакуменце, у прыватнасці, шмат ўвагі надаецца дзейнасці беларускага праваабаронцы Леаніда Свеціка, які неаднаразова падвяргаўся пераследу.

May 13, 2010

Free Speech Cuba

Following our year-long campaign for greater freedom of expression in Cuba, English PEN is proud to be launching a briefing paper on Cuba for journalists and other literary professionals. The document introduces some of the key issues surrounding free expression on the island, and presents facts often missed in political and travel journalism about the island.

May 13, 2010

Student group shows USA vs. Al-Arian, award-winning Norwegian documentary

An early February morning in 2003, the apartment of the family Al-Arian stormed by the FBI. Shocked family members, as father, Sami, being led away in handcuffs by armed U.S. law enforcement. In 12 hours crawled the tens of FBI agents, the family’s apartmen. Private papers, diaries, letters, books, photo albums, CDs and video tapes were seized. That evening news programs showed the whole world a news conference from Washington, where former Attorney General John Ashcroft said that they had arrested one of the main men behind a global terrorist cell in Tampa, Florida.

May 12, 2010

Left Party of Sweden recognises Western Sahara

The Left Party of Sweden (Vänsterpartiet) has recalled its decision to recognise the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), during its 38th Congress, if it wins the September 19 elections together with the Social democratic Party and Green Party, in what is now known as the ‘Red-Green Coalition,’ according to a statement of the Polisario Representation in Sweden.

May 12, 2010

Re: Material for documentary illegally confiscated in Baku

Norwegian Helsinki Committee, Human Rights House Foundation, Norwegian PEN, English PEN, Norwegian Union of Journalists, Rafto Foundation, Index of Censorhip and ARTICLE 19 condemn the illegal confiscation of material and documentary footage from the Norwegian filmmaker Erling Borgen and the cameraman Dag Inge Dahl in Baku Airport on May 6, 2010. We call upon Azerbaijani authorities to honour Azerbaijan’s international human rights obligations and restore the seized property to the owners.

May 11, 2010

Iran sentences journalist Maziar Bahari, new wave of arrests starts

Journalist Maziar Bahari was sentenced on 9 May 2010 by Islamic Republic of Iran in absentia – 13 years and 6 months in jail and 74 lashes. In the last few days, Iranian activists and journalists have witnessed a new wave of arrests. They are made on the eve of the first anniversary of the election in Islamic Republic of Iran.