

May 24, 2010

Праўда замінае беларускім уладам напярэдадні прэзідэнцкай кампаніі

18 і 19 траўня Беларусь накрыла новая хваля акцый ціску і запалохвання дэмакратычных актывістаў. Масавыя ператрусы правялі супрацоўнікі міліцыі і КДБ у Менску, Гародні, Берасці, Гомелі, Магілёве. Гэтым разам мішэнню ўладаў сталася грамадская кампанія “Гавары праўду!”, што за некалькі месяцаў здолела стаць папулярнай. Хаця ператрусы і рэпрэсіі аўтарытарнай дзяржавы закранулі не толькі яе.

May 24, 2010

“Эпоха Барадуліна”. Прэзентацыя новага фільма Віктара Корзуна

Беларускі дом правоў чалавека запрашае на прэзентацыю новага дакументальнага фільма Віктара Корзуна “ЭПОХА БАРАДУЛІНА”.

May 22, 2010

European NGOs call for stronger support for the International Criminal Court (ICC)

A group of European human rights organizations, including the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, are calling for stronger support for the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the region. European states and the European Union (EU), among other actors, must ensure full support and cooperation to the ICC, to enable it to fulfill its mandate to deliver justice to the victims of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes and to prevent the future commission of such crimes.

May 22, 2010

Belarus: nationwide raids against human rights activists

Vladimir Neklyayev, poet, author and former president of the Republic of Belarus PEN, and newspaper editor Sergei Voznyak were among scores of members of civil society groups arrested in recent days. The two men were imprisoned, accused of distributing “false information”.

May 21, 2010

Belarus: Gay pride march dispersed, participants arrested and fined

Slavic Gay Pride 2010 was forcefully dispersed by police and its participants arrested on 15 May in Minsk. After 2 days in a detention centre gay rights activists received steep fines instead of apologies and moral compensation.

May 20, 2010

China arrest six monks in Tibet Autonomous Region

Four monks of Wara Monastery in Thangpu Township, Jomda County (Jiangda xian) in Chamdo Prefecture, “Tibet Autonomous Region” were arrested on 15 May under suspicion of leading and instigating protest at the county headquarters in Spring 2008 and two other official monks of the same monastery were arrested on 16 May for their failure to ‘educate’ the monks under ‘Patriotic education’ campaign.

May 20, 2010

Meeting re. CERD in HRH Sarajevo

Initiative meeting of NGOs in BiH for CERD up-coming session

May 19, 2010

Azerbaijan: Human rights organisations demand to comply with European Court decision

Amnesty International, Article 19, and International PEN call on the Azerbaijani government to comply with the ruling of the European Court of Human Rights and immediately release imprisoned Azerbaijani journalist Eynulla Fatullayev.

May 19, 2010

EFTA-Morocco free trade agreement – new dispute over Western Sahara

The Moroccan-EFTA free trade agreement does not cover Western Sahara, according to Norwegian and Swiss authorities. This will have multi-million euro consequences for a Norwegian firm that systematically mislabeled Western Sahara imports as Moroccan, and illustrates how the European Commission is on collision course with rest of the international community. This case follows Western Sahara phosphate export scandals in last two years.

May 18, 2010

Калі абарона правоў сканчаецца турэмным зняволеннем

Удзельнікі “Славянскага гей- прайду 2010”, што прайшоў 15 траўня у Мінску, былі затрыманыя супрацоўнікамі міліцыі з ужываннем сілы. Правёўшы 2 дні у следчым ізалятары, затрыманыя удзельнікі шэсця замест прабачэнняў і маральнай кампенсацыі атрымалі грашовыя штрафы.

May 18, 2010

The Genocide in Srebrenica 15 years on

When: Thursday, 3. June 2010 08.30-13.00 To: Thursday, 3. June 2010 Where: Oslo, Literature House, Wergelandsveien 29, Host: Norwegian Helsnki Committee Program[1]    08.30 Registration and coffee    09.00  Welcome. Recognition and remembrance of the   Srebrenica genocide in Norway Bjørn Engesland, Secretary-   General, Norwegian Helsinki Committee    09.10 Opening   State Secretary Gry Larsen, Norwegian Ministry […]

May 17, 2010

BiH regulatory institutions brought under government control

Late last year, the BiH Parliament ruled that the Communication’s Regulatory Agency – CRA, along with several other regulatory institutions, are to be categorised as administrative units. The decision, still standing, represents a threat to independence of regulatory agencies in BiH, since their classification as administrative units places them under the control of various ministries and the BiH Government.