

June 9, 2010

New internship exchange programme for East Africa

HRHF participates in a three-day planning session for a five-year grant cycle for an internship exchange programme between leading human rights organisations in East Africa. So far, organisations in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda are included, in addition to HRHF as the so-called north component of the programme. The Norwegian Peace Corps (FK) is sponsoring the programme and HURINET Uganda is FKs key partner, now for the second cycle running.

June 9, 2010

16th X-Press Session

Single parents

June 9, 2010

15th X-Press Session

Persons without regular income, and longtermly unemployed persons

June 9, 2010

PitchWise Festival

Festival of Women Arts

June 8, 2010

Belarus follows China in curbing freedom of information on the internet

1 July 2010 will mark a new era for Belarusian internet users. Many internet websites may be blocked. On that day, regulations prepared by the Ministry of Communication and Information will come into force, concerning material that contradicts law – pornography, extremism, terrorism, etc. Experts say the new regulations can affect sources that may pose a threat to the authorities.

June 8, 2010

Training for Women

Women’s Human Rights

June 7, 2010

Адна незалежная газета на вобласць – гэта зашмат

Рашэннем суда г. Віцебска вялікім штрафам быў пакараны галоўны рэдактрар незалежнай газеты “Витебский курьер” Алег Баршчэўскі. Такім учынкам улады паставілі вялікую кропку ў “справе” выдання, што было афіцыйна забароненае да распаўсюду яшчэ месяц таму.

June 6, 2010

Can a disabled person work as a prosecutor?

Before one of the Polish courts assessor of the District Prosecutor Office brought an action claiming that she was subjected to employment discrimination concerning her disability. In a course of her work she suffered serious car accident and became a disabled person moving on a wheelchair. Subsequently she was dismissed from work.

June 6, 2010

Interview with new head of the Friends of the Rafto Foundation

The new Head of the Friends of the Rafto Foundation is Else Kathrine Nesmoen (41). Ms Nesmoen is an Advisor at the Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education in Bergen and holds a Masters degree in Political Science from the American University of Cairo. Ms Nesmoen says her main goal is to increase the number of Rafto Foundation’s supporting members significantly.

June 6, 2010

Secret detentions: disagreements continue

Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the International Commission of Jurists and the International Federation for Human Rights delivered a nine-point list for a debate on illegal detention which was held on 2-3 June 2010 in the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. List contains measures that states must implement promptly to put an end to illegal detention and to ensure accountability by those responsible. Not all countries are positive to the recommendations of human rights organisations.

June 5, 2010

Constitutional realism – How to pass an act on civil unions in Poland

For some time now the necessity of passing an act on civil unions has been discussed in the Republic of Poland. The Initiative Group for civil unions has been set up in order to carry debates all over the country with LGBT environments and find the best way to regulate the legal situation of people who live in homosexual relationships.

June 4, 2010

Meeting of BiH NGO Coalition for CERD

Finalization of the report