

January 24, 2011

Visit to Mozhaisk prison for women

On the 27th of 2011 members of Public Supervising Committee on Moscow Region Abdulla Duduev and Israpil Shovkhalov (the editors of first independent North-Caucasian journal will visit Mozhaisk prison for women.

January 24, 2011

Первое выездное заседание членов ОНК по Московской области

27-го января состоится первое выездное заседание членов ОНК по Московской области от Российского исследовательского центра по правам человека Абдуллы Дудуева и Исрапила Шовхалова (редакторы первого независимого журнала ДОШ) в Можайскую женскую колонию.

January 24, 2011

Final conference on prevention of torture and violent treatment

27th of January RRCHR will hold a final conference on a joint project “Prevention of tortures and violent treatment in closed establishments of Russia’. Such issues as concluding the results of the project, experience exchange, discussing perspectives and possibilities of public control in closed establishments of Russia are in the agenda of the meeting.

January 24, 2011

Итоговая конференция

27 января РИЦПЧ проведет итоговую конференцию по общему проекту «Предупреждение пыток в закрытых учреждениях России». На повестке дня – подведение итогов, обмен опытом, обсуждение перспектив и возможностей общественного контроля в закрытых учреждениях, возможностей дальнейшего развития проекта.

January 24, 2011

HRW and HRHF host discussion at CoE on HR situation in Azerbaijan

Human Rights Watch and Human Rights House Foundation invite to a panel discussion: ‘Human Rights Situation in Azerbaijan’. The discussion is sponsored by Christoph Strässer, PACE Rapporteur on Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan. Ane Tusvik Bonde, HRHF’s regional manager for Caucasus and Eastern Europe, will chair the discussion.

January 23, 2011

The Norwegian Pension Fund should pull out of companies in Burma

Norwegian authorities call on Norwegian companies not to invest in Burma (Republic of the Union of Myanmar), while Norway is complicit in grave human rights abuses through the state owned Pension Fund’s investments in controversial companies in the Burmese oil and gas sector, says the Norwegian Burma Committee.

January 23, 2011

January: arrested writers, journalists, bloggers in Iran, Tunisia, Yemen and Belarus

English PEN condemns the arrests of prominent Iranian and Belarusian writers Nasrin Sotoudeh and Vladimir Neklyaev, detention of many Tunisian bloggers, imprisonment of Yemeni journalist and mourns the death of Chinese writer, poet and playwright Zhang Jianhong (aka Li Hong), who had died shortly after his release from the prison. Turkish writer and sociologist, Pinar Selek, if found guilty, faces up to 36 years in prison.

January 21, 2011

The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights appeals in reference to the new media law in Hungary

On 12 January 2011 the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights appealed to the Polish Prime Minister to condemn the new media law in Hungary. The Media Act which came into force on 1 January 2011 is a subject of serious doubts referring to its compliance with the standards of freedom of speech and guarantees of independent media.

January 21, 2011

Difficult beginnings of the Polish National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution

We should talk about about the past, presence and future of the Polish National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution (Krajowa Szkoła Sądownictwa i Prokuratury, KSSiP). Why is it so important? Because all the problems we have encountered so far, all the flashpoints that have appeared should give an indication that the KSSiP deserves and needs robust reforms.

January 21, 2011

Press-conference ‘Public control in childish closed establishments of Russia’

Discussion of a case in Pavlovsky Foster Home in St.Petersburg and other similar cases.
It is not easy to get to know what in psycho neurological hospitals for enabled people is going on. The tragedy in Pavlovsky Hospital came to light accidentally, owing to volunteers’ activity.

January 21, 2011

Пресс-конференция «Воспитанники интернатов – заложники системы».

О случае в Павловском интернате г. Санкт-Петербурга и других подобных ситуациях.
Узнать о том, что происходит в психоневрологических интернатах для инвалидов, практически невозможно. Трагическая ситуация с воспитанниками интерната в Павловске стала известна случайно, благодаря действиям волонтеров.

January 20, 2011

Nadezhda Nizovkina and Tatiana Stetsura sentenced to a fine

On 19 January 2011, Sovetsky District Court penalized the participants of the Human Rights House Network project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers”, human rights defenders Nadezhda Nizovkina and Tatiana Stetsura. The court ordered a fine of 100 thousand rubles each for violations to Article 282.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.