Public Data Accessibility in Georgia
Freedom of information is ensured by Georgian legislation. In practice however, public agencies often fail to meet the requirements of the law. The inquiries conducted by various NGOs and the experiences detailed by some lawyers illustrate some disturbing trends. Georgian state bodies often deny its citizens the access to public data which should be readily available in all democratic societies.
Freedom of Expression Awards 2011: nominations
The 11th annual Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards honour those who, often at great personal risk, give voice to issues and stories from around the globe that may otherwise have passed unnoticed. This year there are four categories. Find more about the nominees.
Human Rights in Croatia: National Plan to Implement the UPR
This side-event will be a discussion on a national plan to implement the Universal Periodic Review recommendations accepted by the Republic of Croatia. Croatia has accepted to “adopt a transparent and inclusive process with a civil society in the implementation of universal periodic review recommendations” (recommendation 96.8 by Norway).
Lawyer’s dilemma: protect the law or a person
Following a one-year-long human rights education course, lawyers from four post-Soviet countries received certificates of “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” programme. “The project idea is to turn professional lawyers to the essence of human rights again” – said Liudmila Ulyashyna from Human Rights House Foundation during a conference at the Belarusian HRH in Vilnius.
(Не) дылема адваката: бараніць асобу ці закон
Год навучання адвакатаў з чатырох пост-савецкіх краін правам чалавека не прайшоў дарма. Падчас канферэнцыі ў Доме правоў чалавека ў Вільні ім уручаныя сертыфікаты праграмы “Дыстанцыйнае навучанне адвакатаў правам чалавека”. “Ідэя праекту – вярнуць прафесійных адвакатаў да сутнасці правоў чалавека”, – гаворыць Людміла Ульяшына з Фундацыі Дамоў правоў чалавека.
The Human Rights Center has released an annual human rights report
2010 marked several novelties as well as the continuation and strengthening of some trends observed in previous years in Georgia. The report represents the summary of work carried out mostly by Human Rights Centre in 2010. The report also relies on the work of Human Rights House Tbilisi, also the Public Defender, International Organizations as well as other partner NGOs. It covers the main points of concern regarding the dynamics of democratic transition in the country and shows that the effective execution of power achieved by the current government is used not to eliminate alarming trends in the field of basic rights and freedoms but abused in many cases to further strengthen the position of the ruling elite.
Panel discussion, Geneva: Reprisals against persons cooperating with the UN
Together with a number of other international human rights NGOs, HRHF hosts this debate addressing the need for stronger institutional responses to reprisals against persons cooperating with the UN. Florian Irminger, Head of HRHF’s Geneva Office, will be on the panel, presenting cases of reprisals against lawyers and human rights organisations in Belarus.
Georgian, Armenian and Azeri Human Rights Defenders Demonstrated in Geneva
On March 10, 2011 Georgian, Azeri and Armenian human rights defenders held a protest action in front of the UN Office in Geneva.
Azerbaijan: authorities detain dozens to prevent protests
Azerbaijani authorities detained 50 demonstrators in Baku on Saturday. On Friday 32 people were rounded up, following the 10 March Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan order for the Human Rights House Azerbaijan to cease all activities immediately. At least five social media and opposition activists were also arrested on 4-8 March.
Turkey: ten writers and journalists arrested
Two well-known Turkish writers and journalists Ahmet Şık and Nedim Şener, along with eight other writers and journalists, were detained last week. Şık and Şener were both formally charged with being members of the Ergenekon organisation, and taken to Metris Prison in Istanbul to await trial. Both are believed to be detained for their research into and writings about the Ergenekon investigation under which over 200 people are being tried on allegations of involvement in coup plots.
European Bars condemn the Belarusian ministry’s repressions on lawyers
In a letter to the Minister of Justice of Belarus Viktar Halavanau, the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE) expressed deep concern in relation to cases of prosecution and pressure on Belarusian lawyers, and asked to reinstate the licences of Pavel Sapelka, Uladzimir Toustsik, Tamara Harayeva, Tatsyana Aheyeva and Aleh Aheyeu. See the full text of the letter below.
Еўрапейскія адвакаты накіравалі ліст міністру юстыцыі Беларусі
У лісце, накіраваным міністру Віктару Галаванаву, Рада адвакацкіх аб’яднанняў і юрыдычных таварыстваў Еўропы выказвае занепакоенасць у сувязі з выпадкамі пераследу і ціску на беларускіх адвакатаў і просіць аднавіць ліцэнзіі адвакатаў Паўла Сапелкі, Уладзіміра Тоўсціка, Тамары Гараевай, Таццяны Агеевай і Алега Агеева. Поўны тэкст ліста – ніжэй.