Leadership in efforts to release political prisoners in Belarus needed
Today representatives of many international human rights organisations, including members of the Human Rights House Network, addressed president of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite to take leadership in advocating for the release of political prisoners in Belarus. Human Rights Watch in its new report tells about a post-election crackdown in Belarus, mistreatments, pressures on relatives and lawyers.
Azerbaijan: at least 30 protesters sentenced
On 13 March, Azerbaijani courts sentenced at least 30 people who took part in peaceful protests on 11and 12 March to between 5 and 8 days in prison. The trials were closed to the public. The rallies, in the wake of the mass protests in the Middle East, protested government corruption and called for the Azerbaijan leadership to resign.
Belarus rejects dialog in the UN Human Rights Council
A statement by 45 UN member-states on the situation in Belarus was presented during the session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva on 14 March. The authors voiced concerns regarding repressions against the political opposition, reports about intimidation of lawyers and torture of prisoners. The Belarusian side responded to the statement with accusations and denial of dialogue.
New Memorial’s report: Political repression in Uzbekistan 2009-2010
On March 16, Human Rights Center Memorial published a comprehensive report covering political repression in Uzbekistan in the period 2009-2010. It shows that country has no legal opposition or independent media, civil society and religious communities are subject to severe pressure from the side of the authorities. Political repression is an inherent part of government policy and torture is practiced systematically.
Ethiopian government arrests members of opposition to prevent protests
The Ethiopian opposition reports that over 250 of its central members have been arrested during the week. The arrests are seen in connection with a planned mass protest. Opposition leaders recently assured they would not take a leading role in any possible mass protests.
Foreign HR observers expelled from Belarus
While chairing the International Human Rights Observation Mission in Belarus, the Russian human rights defender Andrei Yurov, right, was detained in Minsk on 16 March. After spending the night at police department of the Savietski district, Yurov had to leave Belarus. That situation outraged the human rights defender and astonished the international community.
Беларусь не хоча дыялогу ў Радзе ААН па правах чалавека
На паседжанні Рады ААН па правах чалавека, што адбылося 14 сакавіка ў Жэневе, ад імя 45 краін была агучаная заява па сітуацыі ў Беларусі. Аўтары выказалі занепакоенасць з нагоды рэпрэсій супраць палітычных апанентаў, паведамленняў аб запалохванні адвакатаў і катаваннях арыштаваных. Беларускі бок адказаў на заяву абвінавачаннямі і адмовай ад дыялогу.
Праваабаронцы ў Беларусі не патрэбныя
16 сакавіка ў Мінску быў затрыманы кіраўнік Міжнароднай назіральнай праваабарончай місіі, расейскі праваабаронца Андрэй Юраў (на фота). Правёўшы ноч з 16 на 17 сакавіка ў Савецкім РУУС, раніцай 18 сакавіка Юраў быў вымушаны з’ехаць з Беларусі. Гэтая сітуацыя абурыла праваабаронцу і ўзрушыла міжнародную супольнасць.
Reaction of the HFHR, Poland, to the closing of the Human Rights House in Azerbaijan
On March 11, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) sent letters the Polish Ambassador in Baku and the Azerbaijani Ambassador in Warsaw asking them to take steps in order to guarantee the protection of the human rights defenders in Azerbaijan.
Discrimination against Roma
Back in January 2011, one of the biggest Polish dailies Gazeta Wyborcza described a case of discrimination against Rom in a restaurant in the city of Poznan. According to the daily, some of the owners did not allow Roma people to enter their restaurants. A heated debate followed the news. At the begining of March, the case reached the regional court in Poznan. The plaintiff demands an apology.
Public Data Accessibility in Georgia
Freedom of information is ensured by Georgian legislation. In practice however, public agencies often fail to meet the requirements of the law. The inquiries conducted by various NGOs and the experiences detailed by some lawyers illustrate some disturbing trends. Georgian state bodies often deny its citizens the access to public data which should be readily available in all democratic societies.
Freedom of Expression Awards 2011: nominations
The 11th annual Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards honour those who, often at great personal risk, give voice to issues and stories from around the globe that may otherwise have passed unnoticed. This year there are four categories. Find more about the nominees.