

July 11, 2011

A court in Lublin rules on the inadmissibility of extradition in line with the HFHR’s opinion

The Court in Lublin has ruled on the inadmissibility of surrendering the wanted A.K, a Belarus citizen, to the judicial authorities in Belarus. The ruling has already become final and binding.In its decision the Court referred to, among other things, information provided by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights.

July 10, 2011

FIAN celebrates its 25 year anniversary

This year the Food First Information and Action Network, FIAN International, the only human rights organisation working exclusively to promote the right to food, celebrates 25 years since its foundation. 25 years ago the organisation took its first steps to defend the basic right of all people to permanent and unrestricted access to adequate, nutritious and culturally appropriate food that enables them to live with dignity.

July 10, 2011

Two-month preliminary imprisonment passed against three Georgian photo reporters

Tbilisi City Court passed a two month preliminary imprisonment against three detained photo reporters. The lawyers requested not to use the imprisonment as a preliminary compulsory measure, but the judge satisfied the request of prosecution and left them under custody. The trial is scheduled for 1 September.

July 9, 2011

Belarusians are tried for silence and clapping

Belarusians keep organising mass silent protest. Inspite of altered format of the actions, the protesters are being brutally arrested. The international community condemns such actions of Belarusian authorities and urges them to stop violence against demonstrators.

July 8, 2011

Беларусам нельга маўчаць і пляскаць у далоні

У Беларусі працягваюцца масавыя акцыі маўклівага пратэсту. Нягледзячы на змененую канцэпцыю правядзення акцый, працягваюцца і жорсткія затрыманні пратэстоўцаў. Міжнародная супольнасць асуджае такія дзеянні беларускіх уладаў і заклікае cпыніць гвалт над пратэстоўцамі.

July 8, 2011

Secret surveillance of Polish journalists declared legal

On 22 June 2011, the District Court for Warszawa-Śródmieście dismissed Wojciech Czuchnowski’s appeal against the decision to discontinue the probe conducted by the Regional Public Prosecutor’s Office in Zielona Góra. In January 2011, Wojciech Czuchnowski was awarded victim status in this case. The Judge held that the police officers had no intent to harm Wojciech Czuchnowski in any way.

July 8, 2011

The future of Schengen cooperation

At the 23-24 June 2011 meeting of the European Council, held in Brussels, the EU Member States’ heads of government and state discussed the impact of increased immigration on the Schengen Agreement, the treaty which removed internal border controls in the countries forming the Schengen Area. The proposal to depart from the Schengen rules, one of the most notable achievements of the European integration, must give rise to serious doubts.

July 7, 2011

Photo-reporters detained in Georgia

On the night of 7 July 2011, individuals in civil clothes detained 5 photo-reporters at their homes without any warnings or explanation.

July 6, 2011

Georgia: “Human rights must be better protected in the justice system”

“More efforts are needed to address serious shortcomings in the judiciary and increase its transparency and fairness” said the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Thomas Hammarberg, releasing today a report on the visit to Georgia 18-20 April 2011. The report focuses on the level of protection of human rights in the justice system in Georgia.

July 5, 2011

Ethiopia: two local and two Swedish journalists detained without charge

English PEN protests the incommunicado detention of “Awramba Times” deputy editor Woubshet Taye and “Feteh” columnist Reeyot Alemu, who were arrested on 19 and 21 June 2011 respectively. Neither has been charged to date but it is thought that both were arrested under Ethiopia’s 2009 antiterrorism law, which allows for prison sentences of up to 20 years. On 30 June two Swedish journalists have been also detained without charge in eastern Ethiopia.

July 4, 2011

Belarusians detained and beaten up for silence

Silent protest actions in Belarus end up with beating up and arrests of peaceful citizens and journalists. After the nation-wide action held on 29 June, more than 300 people were detained. Such an inadequate reaction to peaceful protests was condemned by the international community.

July 3, 2011

Small Grant Fund for Central Asia announced

NHC announces a contest for project proposals aiming at improving the situation regarding human rights, democratization or civil society in Central Asia.