Праект «Назіранне за выбарамі: тэорыя і практыка» запрашае прыняць удзел у назіранні за выбарамі
Праект «Назіранне за выбарамі: тэорыя і практыка», што рэалізуецца ў партнёрстве арганізацыяй «BelarusWatch», Еўрапейскім гуманітарным універсітэтам і Беларускім домам правоў чалавека, запрашае ўсіх жадаючых прыняць удзел у назіранні за парламенцкімі выбарамі ў Беларусі, якія адбудуцца 23 верасня 2012 г.
Belarusian authorities against calls to boycott elections
Election boycott campaign in Belarus is becoming more and more complicated. Activists calling for boycott are detained, fined and imprisoned, while candidates’ speeches are censored or not broadcast on TV.
Supervisory Board on media does not need BAJ comments on election coverage
The expert group of the Belarusian Association of Journalists found out that the Belarusian media do not pay much attention to the topic of parliamentary elections. However, the representatives of BAJ are not welcome in the Supervisory Board on monitoring of compliance with the order and rules of election campaigning in the media.
Golos awarded The Andrei Sakharov Freedom Award
Russian Association Golos was awarded the Andrei Sakharov Freedom Award 2012 for its outstanding efforts to promote democratic values through free and fair elections in Russia, Secretary General Bjørn Engesland says in a statement today.
Birthplace of Arab Spring: censorship returns to Tunisia
The post-revolutionary Tunisian government has already been accused of clamping down on reporters. The ones recently charged include two artists whose crime is creating sculptures that the authorities consider harmful to public order and good morals. Nadia Jelassi’s work is of a veiled woman surrounded by rocks, suggesting she is being stoned, while Mohamed Ben Slama’s work is of a child with ants streaming from a schoolbag that spell out “God”.
Two Azeri journalists and poets released in Iran
On 4 September Iran released two Azerbaijani journalists and poets Farid Huseyn and Shahriyar Hajizade who had been detained arbitrarily in Iran in May for alleged espionage. Free speech organisations welcome the decision and emphasize the absurdity of the charges brought against the journalists.
БАЖ мае заўвагі да асвятлення выбараў, аднак у Назіральнай Радзе па СМІ БАЖаўцы не патрэбныя
Экспертная група Беларускай асацыяцыі журналістаў прыйшла да высновы, што беларускія СМІ не надаюць сур’ёзнай увагі тэме парламенцкіх выбараў. Аднак прадстаўнікоў БАЖ не хочуць бачыць у складзе Назіральнай рады па кантролі за захаваннем парадку і правілаў правядзення перадвыбарчай агітацыі ў СМІ.
Беларускія ўлады супраць заклікаў да байкатавання выбараў
Агітаваць за байкот выбараў у Беларусі робіцца ўсе складаней: актывістаў затрымліваюць, прысуджаюць штрафы і караюць суткамі арышту, а выступленні кандыдатаў, якія заклікаюць да байкоту, не паказваюць па тэлебачанні.
Enivironmental activist killed as an assault on freedom of expression in Ukraine
ARTICLE 19 calls on the Ukrainian government to publicly condemn the killing of environmental information activist, Volodymyr Honcharenko, as a crime against freedom of expression and ensure that those responsible are brought to justice via an effective, independent and speedy process. Volodymyr campaigned for environmental information in Ukraine and died in August.
Kazakhstan: Freedom of information situation deteriorates
A group of four men attacked the opposition journalist, Ularbek Baytalak, on the outskirts of Astana, where he was left to die. The journalist works for two opposition newspapers, Dat and Tortinshi bilik, and takes a critical stance towards the current government. The attack on Baytalak comes a few months after fellow opposition journalist Lukpan Akhmendyarov survived being shot and stabbed outside his apartment in April 2012.
HFHR statements regarding imposing taxes on damages awarded for excessively lengthy proceedings
The HFHR sent a letter to the Ministers of Justice and Finance and the Prosecutor General, in which it raised the issue of taxes being imposed on the sums awarded as damages under the Excessively Lengthy Proceedings Complaint Act.
KGB attacks social networks in the run-up to elections
The first week of the election campaign in Belarus was marked by a coordinated attack on pro-opposition groups in social networks by the KGB.