Human rights defenders held initial consultations with the UN Special Rapporteur on Belarus
On 12-13 November Belarusian HRH hosted the first meeting of the Belarusian human rights defenders with Miklós Haraszti, the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus.
Honorary Leader of Trust title awarded to the HFHR
Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights received the Honorary Leader of Trust title awarded by the Law & Partners Foundation. The Leader of Trust recognition is the first designation in Poland presented to professional entities offering legal services and media sources and organisations operating on the market of dedicated legal services which are awarded from the perspective of clients, recipients and society.
Праваабаронцы правялі першыя кансультацыі са спецдакладчыкам ААН па Беларусі
12 – 13 лістапада ў Беларускім ДПЧ прайшла першая сустрэча беларускіх праваабаронцаў са спецыяльным дакладчыкам ААН па сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі Міклашам Харашці.
Intervention concerning court case lists
The Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights has addressed the Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data on the issue of entering personal data in case lists displayed in courts. The HFHR requests the IGPPD to consider bringing this problem to the attention of the Minister of Justice.
Despite concerns over freedom of speech, Azerbaijan hosts UN-initiated forum
Last week Baku hosted the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) – a global UN-initiated forum debating the future of internet freedom. At the time there were nine journalists and three human rights defenders held in jail in Azerbaijan. Five of these cases are linked to online criticism of authorities.
Whereabouts of political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich unknown for a week (updated)
On 30 October Mazyr circuit court ruled to transfer the leader of the Young Front Zmitser Dashkevich (right) from Mazyr colony to the supermax jail. Since then and up to 8 November, the whereabouts of Zmitser remained unknown.
Nnimmo Bassey: Oil companies are destroying lives
Coming from a country where an equivalent of one Exxon Valdez volume of crude oil is spewed into our environment yearly, it is inescapably clear that the petroleum sector is a very polluting one. It is obvious that there cannot be this level of ecological impunity without human rights being considerably trampled on, said the 2012 Rafto Prize laureate Nnimmo Bassey in his keynote address at the Rafto Conference on 3 November.
UN Committee holds Togolese government accountable for rural women’s food insecurity
The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) has issued recommendations to the Togo state urging it to ensure that land contracts with foreign companies do not result in forced eviction, internal displacement, or the increased food insecurity of women and girls.
Azerbaijan: NHC concerned over reported restrictions at the Internet Governance Forum
Norwegian Helsinki Committee is concerned with the reports that a conference aiming at discussing freedom of the internet allows restrictions on contributions from civil society – input that would contribute to a more open and relevant discussion, says Bjørn Engesland, Secretary General of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.
Iryna Khalip: I was threatened, beaten and detained for my reporting
On 2 April 1997, while covering a protest against the proposed reunification of Belarus with Russia, a Belarusian journalist Iryna Khalip witnessed her father, a documentary filmmaker, get beaten unconscious. She herself was clubbed by riot police. That incident only galvanized her to continue to expose corruption in Belarus, especially as a journalist for the Minsk bureau of the investigative paper Novaya Gazeta (the paper of slain reporter Anna Politkovskaya).
Application to ECtHR in the case of Sergei Magnitsky
The Open Society Justice Initiative has submitted an application to the European Court of Human Rights on behalf of Sergei Magnitsky’s mother. Mr Magnitsky was a Russian attorney who died in prison arrested in the wake of unveiling a corruption scandal allegedly implicating high-ranking Russian officials.
The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent tax returns to Belarus
According to press reports, in March 2012 the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent about 30 income tax returns to Belarusian opposition activists. The documents, mailed to Belarus, disclosed income from per diems paid during a conference in Warsaw. The reports were commented by Danuta Przywara, President of the HFHR: