HRHF calls upon Azerbaijan to stop harassing human rights defenders at United Nations
In its intervention on 5 March 2013 at the Human Rights Council, the Human Rights House Foundation called upon Azerbaijan to stop harassing human rights defenders, including Intigam Aliyev who was awarded with the Homo Homini Award on 4 March 2013.
Алеся Бяляцкага падтрымала больш за 100 тысяч чалавек па ўсім свеце
Праваабарончая арганізацыя «Міжнародная амністыя» падвяла вынікі міжнароднага марафона па напісанні лістоў салідарнасці вязню сумлення Алесю Бяляцкаму (на фота) — віцэ-прэзідэнту Міжнароднай федэрацыі правоў чалавека, лідару ліквідаванага беларускімі ўладамі праваабарончага цэнтра «Вясна».
Intigam Aliyev awarded with the Homo Homini Award
Intigam Aliyev, human rights lawyer from Azerbaijan, is receiving the Award for his personal courage and exceptional committment to defending persecuted individuals.
Stop further restrictions to the right to freedom of association in Azerbaijan
Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network and the South Caucasus Network of Human Rights Defenders condemn further restrictions to the right to freedom of association in Azerbaijan, especially affecting the work and activities of human rights defenders, and call for the end of harassment of human rights organisations.
Judges without presidential appointment lodge new constitutional complaints
Four judges who had not been appointed to office in 2007 made another complaints to the Constitutional Tribunal. The complainants are represented by advocates Marcin Ciemiński, Clifford Chance and Agnieszka Wardak, Salans, and legal counsellor Patrick Radzimierski, Salans, all acting pro bono.
Intigam Aliyev receives Homo Homini Award for human rights defenders
People in Need will present its annual Homo Homini human rights award for 2012 to Intigam Aliyev, human rights lawyer from Azerbaijan, for his personal courage and exceptional commitment to defending persecuted individuals.
Committee to Protect Journalists called for stopping pressure on the journalist Iryna Khalip
Committee to Protect Journalists called on the Belarusian authorities to stop pressure on the Belarusian journalist Iryna Khalip (right). The chairman of the Belarusian Association of Journalists Zhanna Litvina also spoke about difficulties of Khalip’s and other Belarusian journalists’ work at a meeting of the General Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs of the Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE.
Камітэт абароны журналістаў заклікаў улады Беларусі спыніць ціск на журналістку Ірыну Халіп
Камітэт абароны журналістаў звярнуўся да беларускіх уладаў з заклікам спыніць ціск на беларускую журналістку Ірыну Халіп (на фота). Таксама пра складанасці працы Халіп і іншых беларускіх журналістаў распавяла старшыня Беларускай Асацыяцыі Журналістаў Жана Літвіна на паседжанні Агульнага камітэта па дэмакратыі, правах чалавека і гуманітарных пытаннях Парламенцкай Асамблеі АБСЕ.
Bosnia-Herzegovina announces it will change its discriminatory constitutional provisions
In an intervention in Geneva, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia-Herzegovina announced that its country will fulfil its obligations to end discrimination based on ethnicity to access the presidency.
Прааналізаваныя медыя-прастора і сітуацыя з правамі чалавека ў Беларусі
У ходзе сустрэч у Кіеве з 18 па 20 лютага Спецыяльны дакладчык па Беларусі атрымаў магчымасць сустрэцца з міжнароднымі і беларускіх медыя-экспертамі, а таксама праваабаронцамі і ахвярамі парушэнняў правоў чалавека ў Беларусі.
Belarusian issues considered to be discussed at June session of the UN Human Rights Council
The EU highlighted the issue of human rights in Belarus as important for discussion at the next session of the UN Human Rights Council. One of the speakers during the session will be the Special Rapporteur on human rights in Belarus, Miklós Haraszti, who met with Belarusian media on 18 February.
Criminalisation of human rights defenders: How should the Human Rights Council respond?
Twenty years ago, the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action set out that human rights defenders should “enjoy the rights and freedoms recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the protection of the national law”. Two decades later however, there is mounting evidence that, far from being protected by law, the work of human rights defenders around the world is being impaired, restricted and even criminalised.