

March 12, 2013

Azerbaijan and Russia: systemic and systematic human rights violations

Once again, Sunday 10 March in Baku, peaceful protestors were met with police violence. Last Sunday, families and relatives of soldiers killed at the army in non-conflict situations were violently dispersed and more than 50 people were detained. Earlier this year, on Saturday 26 January 2013, 47 people were arrested for peacefully protesting in Baku.

March 11, 2013

Three years since the authorities ordered closure of the Human Rights House Azerbaijan

On 10 March 2011, Human Rights House Azerbaijan was ordered to seize all activities in Azerbaijan until an agreement with the authorities was adopted. Three years after, the Human Rights House Azerbaijan is still closed.

March 11, 2013

Three years since the authorities ordered closure of the Human Rights House Azerbaijan

On 10 March 2011 Human Rights House Azerbaijan was ordered to seize all activities in Azerbaijan until an agreement with the authorities was adopted. Three years after, the Human Rights House Azerbaijan is still closed.

March 11, 2013

Three years since the authorities ordered closure of the Human Rights House Azerbaijan

On 10 March 2011 Human Rights House Azerbaijan was ordered to seize all activities in Azerbaijan until an agreement with the authorities was adopted. Three years after, the Human Rights House Azerbaijan is still closed.

March 11, 2013

Belarus: critical situation of political prisoners, restriction of freedom of 40 activists

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, released a joint statement in which they expressed deep outrage at the large-scale and systematic acts of pressure and repressions of political prisoners in Belarus.

March 11, 2013

Становішча палітычных зняволеных у Беларусі крытычнае, свабода 40 актывістаў сур’ёзна абмежаваная

Міжнародная Федэрацыя за правы чалавека (FIDH) і Праваабарончы цэнтр «Вясна» апублікавалі супольную заяву, у якой выказваюць глыбокае абурэнне масавымі і сістэматычнымі актамі ціску і рэпрэсіяў у дачыненні да палітычных зняволеных у Беларусі.

March 7, 2013

Supreme Audit Office reports on health care in prison facilities

The Supreme Audit Office published the report on the provision of health care services to inmates. Its findings are, to a large extent, similar to the conclusions of the HFHR’s programme “Health Care in Polish Prisons”, which was being implemented by the Foundation for the last two years.

March 7, 2013

Report on torture and inhuman treatment in Georgian penitentiary system

In September 2012, Georgia was rocked by a massive prison scandal when video was broadcasted showing prison staff abusing, torturing and sexually molesting prisoners. The scandal had a great impact on the political climate in the country, in particular because over the years a lot of investments had been made in the penitentiary system. However, the real scope of the problem became only clear later that year and new facts are still being revealed every day.

March 6, 2013

Observation of trial on obstructing police on site of deadly shooting of Nigerian citizen

The HFHR has begun to observe the trial of 21 men charged with assaulting police officers and using force to obstruct their work. The incident allegedly happened in May 2010 on the 10th-Anniversary Stadium in Warsaw after the lethal shooting of Maxwell Itoya, a Nigerian citizen. The defendants come from Nigeria, Cameroon, Guatemala and India.

March 6, 2013

More than 100,000 people worldwide supported Ales Bialiatski

The human rights organization “Amnesty International” has summed up the international letter-writing marathon of solidarity with prisoner of conscience Ales Bialiatski (right), the Vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the leader of the Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, dissolved by Belarusian authorities.

March 6, 2013

Фундацыя ДПЧ заклікае вызваліць Алеся Бяляцкага ў ААН

У сваім выступе 5 сакавіка 2013 г. у Радзе па правах чалавека Фундацыя дамоў правоў чалавека заклікала ўлады Беларусі неадкладна і безумоўна вызваліць Алеся Бяляцкага, зняць усе абвінавачанні супраць яго і цалкам рэабілітаваць яго. Да яго вызвалення Алесю Бяляцкаму павінны быць забяспечаны доступ да любога кшталту патрэбнай яму медыцынскай дапамогі, а яго ўмовы ўтрымання ў турме не павінны ўплываць на яго здароўе.

March 6, 2013

HRHF calls for the release of Ales Bialiatski at the United Nations

In its intervention on 5 March 2013 at the Human Rights Council, the Human Rights House Foundation called upon Belarus to immediately and unconditionally release Ales Bialiatski, drop all charges against him and fully rehabilitate him. Pending his release Ales Bialiatski should be provided access to all medical support he needs and his prison conditions should not impact on his health.