Дунья Міятавіч заклікала ўнесці змены ў беларускі закон “Аб СМІ”
3 чэрвеня пачаўся візіт у Мінск прадстаўніцы АБСЕ па свабодзе СМІ Дуньі Міятавіч (на фота) . Прадстаўніца АБСЕ па свабодзе СМІ мае планы сустрэцца ў Мінску з прадстаўнікамі ўладаў і журналістамі.
ILIA project participants organized a public hearing on the issue of judicial protection in Russia
A public hearing on the topic “The problem of realisation of citizen rights to judicial protection in the Novgorod region” was held in Novgorod in February 2013. Preparation and conduct of hearings is a part of activities aimed at enhancing the fulfillment of obligations in the field of human rights by the state Public hearings were prepared by local human rights defenders in close cooperation with the graduates of the educational project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” Gennady Okolov and Yegor Mylnikov.
Участники проекта ILIA организовали публичные слушания по проблеме судебной защиты в России
В феврале 2013 года в Великом Новгороде состоялись публичные Слушания «Проблема реализации прав граждан на судебную защиту в Новгородской области». Подготовка и проведение слушаний является частью мероприятий по повышению уровня выполнения государством обязательств в области прав человека. Публичные слушания подготовлены местными правозащитниками в тесном взаимодействии с выпускниками образовательного проекта «Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека» адвокатов Геннадия Околов и Егора Мыльникова.
EOTP абвяшчае набор на навучальны курс і ўдзел у міжнародных місіях па назіранні за выбарамі
Маладыя людзі, якія жадаюць атрымаць досвед назірання за выбарамі і ў далейшым далучыцца да каманды назіральнікаў у Беларусі, запрашаюцца да ўдзелу ў праекце «Назіранне за выбарамі: тэорыя і практыка» (EOTP).
EOTP абвяшчае набор на навучальны курс і ўдзел у міжнародных місіях па назіранні за выбарамі
To: Sunday, 9. June 2013 Where: Вільня
HFHR comments visit of Polish parliamentary leaders in China on 4 June
According to a media report, later confirmed by parliamentary sources, a delegation of the Sejm, the lower chamber of the Poland’s Parliament, is to pay an official visit to the People’s Republic of China and meet representatives of the ruling Communist Party on 4 June, the date marking an anniversary of the bloody crackdown of pro-democratic demonstrations in Beijing as well as the Polish “Freedom Day”, or the country’s first partially free elections. Both events took place in the same, memorable 1989 year.
Circuit Court dismissed appeal of journalists with local weekly
The Circuit Court in Poznań dismissed the appeal of two journalists working for the Wiadomości Wrzesińskie weekly, brought against the judgment of a Poznań District Court in the case of disclosure of secret information. The appellate court upheld the first instance decision to conditionally dismiss the criminal proceedings instituted against the defendants and set the 12-month probation period. The journalists were also ordered to pay the costs of the proceedings. The judgement is final.
Azerbaijani ILIA project expert Intiqam Aliyev – the human rights defender of year 2012
Intiqam Aliyev (right), a human rights lawyer from Azerbaijan, the president of the Legal Education Society and a national expert of the project “International law in Advocacy. Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers” was considered the best human rights defender of the year 2012. In March in Prague The international NGO “‘People in Need”, presented its annual Homo Homini human rights award for 2012 to Intigam Aliyev for exceptional commitment to defending human rights.
Human Rights House Voronezh faces risk of closure
The Voronezh city district administration has decided to cease the rental agreement with the Human Rights House Voronezh. This would effectively make the work of independent human rights organisations in Voronezh impossible, or at least extremely difficult.
Азербайджанский эксперт проекта ILIA Интигам Алиев – лучший правозащитник 2012 года
Азербайджанский юрист, директор Общества правового просвещения и национальный эксперт проекта “Международное право для защиты общественных интересов. Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека ” Интигам Алиев (на фото) был признан лучшим правозащитником мира за 2012 год. В марте в Праге международная неправительственная организация «People In Need» вручила Интигаму Алиеву премию Homo Homini за особые заслуги в правозащитной деятельности.
Human rights defenders call to stop pressure on Ales Bialiatski
International human rights organizations drew attention to the unjust imprisonment of Ales Bialiatski (right) and urged the Belarusian authorities to release and rehabilitate human rights defender.
Russia: Where Does the Independence of Judges and Lawyers Stand in the Midst of Repression?
Following the visit of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on independence of judges and lawyers to Russia, we organise a side-event on the worrying situation in the country.