Спецдакладчык ААН назваў высылку праваабаронцы Танкачовай непрапарцыйнай мерай
Высылка Алены Танкачовай дэманструе “тыя велізарныя выклікі, якія перашкаджаюць праваабаронцам працаваць у Беларусі”. 6 сакавіка пра гэта заявіў спецдакладчык па Беларусі Савета па правах чалавека ААН Міклаш Харашці (на фота).
14 questioned and no accusation
Baku Court continued substantial hearing of Rasul Jafarov’s case, famous Azerbaijan human rights defender. The regular trial into his case was held on March 5. The more people are questioned about the accusation imposed by the prosecutor’s office on him, the more questions emerge.
Human rights defenders threatened in Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia
In its statement on the situation of human rights defenders on 10 March 2015 at the Human Rights Council, the Human Rights House Foundation highlighted the worrying situations in Azerbaijan, Russia and Armenia.
Grave Confusion in Criminal Court
”It became evident that the victims in Rasul Jafarov’s case were either unaware of why they were victims or directly stated that the accused person never did them any harm”. The past months international observers have been attending the trial of Azerbaijani human rights activist, Rasul Jafarov, in Baku Court on Grave Crimes.
Protect, empower and support women human rights defenders
Women human rights defenders challenge gender inequality and stereotypes, advance sexual and reproductive rights, and promote women’s empowerment and participation in society. They often challenge religious and cultural norms and patriarchal attitudes that subordinate, stigmatize or restrict women.
25 сакавіка – святкаванне Дня Волі ў Вільні
25 сакавіка ў Вільні пройдзе традыцыйнае святкаванне Дня Волі. У праграме запланавана ўскладанне кветак падпісантам Акта Незалежнасці Беларускай Народнай Рэспублікі 25 сакавіка 1918 года, дыскусія «2015 год у Беларусі – калі геапалітыка бярэ верх над каштоўнасцямі дэмакратыі» у Сейме Літоўскай Рэспублікі ды вечаровы канцэрт Лявона Вольскага і Паўла Аракеляна.
Ales Bialiatski urged the UN to “protect civil society space”
The Human Rights Council (HRC) of the United Nations must defend civil society space and, through the various tools at its disposal, it must exert all the pressure it can to curb abuses of power and call for accountability.This was stated by the Belarusian human rights defender Ales Bialiatski, during his speech at the 28th session of the HRC in Geneva on 5 March.
Алесь Бяляцкі заклікаў ААН «абараняць жыццёвую прастору для грамадзянскай супольнасці»
Рада па правах чалавека (РПЧ) ААН павінен абараняць жыццёвую прастору для грамадзянскай супольнасці, выкарыстоўваючы для гэтага ўсе наяўныя ў яго распараджэнні сродкі, аказваць націск на тых, хто злоўжывае ўладай, і заклікаць іх да адказнасці.Пра гэта заявіў беларускі праваабаронца Алесь Бяляцкі, выступаючы 5 сакавіка на 28-й сесіі РПЧ у Жэневе.
HRC28: Side Event on Human Rights Defenders
We cordially invite you to the event “Repression and criminalisation of human rights defenders in the Russian Federation, Azerbaijan and Belarus”.
Angry victim at Rasul Jafarov’s trial
On February 24, discussion of the criminal case against Rasul Jafarov, founder of the Human Rights Club, was renewed in the Baku Court on Grave Crimes. The Azerbaijan human rights defender, which was declared prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International, was brought to the court with handcuffs, just like detainees accused of grave crimes. Before the trial started the handcuffs were removed from him, but during the 15-minute break he was taken from the courtroom with handcuffs on his hands.