Правы чалавека – асноўны элемент міру і бяспекі
З нагоды Дня Волі 25 сакавіка ў Сейме Літоўскай Рэспублікі адбылася дыскусія «2015 год у Беларусі – калі геапалітыка бярэ верх над каштоўнасцямі дэмакратыі», падчас якой былі закранутыя важныя пытанні сучаснай сітуацыі ўнутры краіны і беларуска-еўрапейскіх адносін.
The only registered regional human rights organisation under the threat of dissolution
On 17 March, 2015, the hearing on a lawsuit to close down the only registered regional human rights organisation in the country – the Mahiliou Human Rights Center (MHRC) has started. This lawsuit comes amidst an ongoing crackdown on human rights defenders by the Belarusian authorities.
Адзіная зарэгістраваная рэгіянальная праваабарончая арганізацыя Беларусі пад пагрозай ліквідацыі
17 сакавіка 2015 г. пачаўся разгляд справы аб ліквідацыі адзінай зарэгістраванай рэгіянальнай праваабарончай арганізацыі ў краіне – Магілёўскага праваабарончага цэнтра (МПЦ). Разгляд справы праходзіць на фоне наступу на праваабаронцаў, які працягваецца з боку беларускіх уладаў.
Systematic human rights violations in Crimea
At the occasion of the presentation by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on minority issues of her report on Ukraine, the Human Rights Council discussed the situation of minorities in Ukraine, especially in regard to the developments in Crimea since February 2014.
New evidence weakens prosecution
Use of unregistered grants has been at the core of the charges against human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev. In court the defence provided rebuttal of prosecutors’ version.
Human Rights House Tbilisi statement
Human Rights House Tbilisi and its member organizations condemn screening the photo-video footage of violence to the underage children. It is absolutely inadmissible to show the photo and video footage of the prison scenes on torture and other cruelties to the adults of the age from 12 to 18. If their participation is confirmed in the event, it can be qualified as violence against children. In addition to that, the fact of showing such violent footage can traumatize under age children and also, there is a risk of simulation of the violent act by them. The state shall take measures to protect children from the information that harms their well-being (which is guaranteed by the Article 17 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child).
Crimea: critical situation for human rights
“The referendum in Crimea was just a clown show, it had nothing to do with democracy and this should not be forgotten”, argues Refat Chubarov, Head of the Mejilis of the Crimean Tatar People, at a side-event on the margins of the 28th session of the UN Human Rights Council.
NGOs call for the end of systematic punishment of leaders of civil society in Azerbaijan
In a joint statement to the United Nations Human Rights Council, leading international human rights organisations call upon Azerbaijan “to put an end to the systematic punishment of leaders of civil society, and to immediately and unconditionally release all human rights defenders, journalists and activists held in custody.”
HRC28: side event on The Human Rights Situation in Ukraine
The Human Rights House Foundation, in cooperation with the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights (Ukraine), the Center for Civil Liberties, the Human Rights House Kyiv, the “Almenda” Civic Education Center and the Head of Mejilis of the Crimean Tatar People (Ukraine), is pleased to invite you to the side event:
“The Human Rights Situation in Ukraine”
The traditional Independence Day celebration
The traditional Independence Day celebration will take place in Vilnius on March 25. On this day, 97 years ago, the independence of the Belarusian Democratic Republic was proclaimed.
Noise in the court hearing of Intigam Aiyev’s case
The Baku Court on Grave Crimes has been discussing the cases of the arrested human rights defenders for two months already. On March 10, the Court continued discussion into the case of Intigam Aliyev, Azerbaijan human rights defender, who was arrested on August 8, 2014. The main part of the hearing was spent on the discussion of solicitations from the defense side. Interrogation of the witness caused conflict in the courtroom for what the judge postponed the process.
UN Special Rapporteur called the deportation of human rights defender Tonkacheva disproportionate
The deportation of Elena Tonkacheva demonstrates “the immense challenges that continue to exist for human rights defenders to fulfill their work in Belarus.” This was stated on 6 March, by Miklós Haraszti, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, at the UN Human Rights Council.