Статкевіч – палітвязень, якога плануюць вылучаць кандыдатам у прэзідэнты
Шэсць палітычных вязняў застаюцца за кратамі ў Беларусі, сярод іх – экс-кандыдат у прэзідэнты на выбарах 2010 году Мікалай Статкевіч. Шэраг дэмакратычных структураў аб’ядналіся вакол ініцыятывы вылучэння Статкевіча і на сёлетніх выбарах. Гэта мае стаць праявай салідарнасці і прыцягнуць увагу грамадства да праблемы палітвязняў, на якіх па-ранейшаму ў месцах зняволення аказваецца ціск.
The work of ILIA project: organizing the education of lawyers of new generation
Lawyers of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine are currently undergoing training in the third cycle of the project “Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers”. At the end of June a working meeting of the project team was held in Vilnius, that allowed to analyze the information received from the audience, and develop a series of actions to improve the educational process.
International reactions at the end of the European Games in Azerbaijan
The European Olympic Games hosted in Baku ended on a note different from the expected glamour the authorities aimed at: the United Nations and the Council of Europe called upon Azerbaijan to put an end to the suppression of civil society and the international attention on the country served to highlight human rights violations.
Работа проекта ILIA: как организовано обучение адвокатов нового поколения
Адвокаты из Азербайджана, Беларуси, Молдовы, России и Украины в данный момент проходят обучение в рамках третьего цикла проекта «Дистанционное обучение адвокатов правам человека». В конце июня в Вильнюсе прошла рабочая встреча команды проекта, которая позволила проанализировать информацию, полученную от слушателей, и разработать ряд действий для усовершенствования учебного процесса.
Stateme of HRHT about hindering peaceful demonstration in Tbilisi by police officers
On June 12, 2015 Georgian police illegally created obstacles for the Human Rights House Tbilisi and its member organizations to hold peaceful demonstration in Heydar Aliyev Square in Tbilisi.
About 55 thousand IDP families wait for flats
According to the data by February 2015, there are about 85 thousand IDP families registered in Georgia. Among them, about 30 000 families with active IDP status have either received a flat or financial compensation but the rest 55 000 families still wait for the flat.
UPDATED Armenia: halt police violence and release detained journalists and rights defenders
237 protestors were arrested in Armenia during the night of 22 June and early morning of 23 June, including journalists and human rights defenders. The police needs to stop using excessive force to disperse protestors and immediately and unconditionally release detained civil society actors and journalists.
European Games in parallel to political persecution
Azerbaijan is hosting first European Games. On June 12th, grand welcoming ceremony was held in the specially built arena in Baku. Nevertheless behind the glaring glassy buildings for European games there are serious human rights issues in the country – according to international organizations Azerbaijan has tens of political prisoners. Human Rights Defenders consider that President Ilham Aliyev used the Olympic Games to divert attention of world leaders from human rights problems in Azerbaijan.
Analytical review of the human rights situation in Belarus in January-March 2015
Belarusian human rights organizations have developed an analytical review, that defines the medium-term tendencies in the field of human rights, social, political and economic situation in Belarus. This review covers the period from January to March 2015.
A year of human rights violations in Azerbaijan
Event at the June session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on the human rights situation in Azerbaijan, one year after President Ilham Aliyev came to Strasbourg and spoke at the Assembly.
Аналітычны агляд сітуацыі з правамі чалавека за студзень-сакавік 2015 года
Беларускія праваабарончыя арганізацыі распрацавалі аналітычны агляд, які вызначае сярэднетэрміновыя тэндэнцыі ў галіне правоў чалавека, сацыяльна-палітычнай і эканамічнай сітуацыі ў Беларусі. Дадзены агляд ахоплівае перыяд са студзеня да сакавіка 2015 года.
Emin Huseynov is free and safe
Early Saturday morning, the Azerbaijani human rights defender Emin Huseynov landed in Switzerland, after spending over 10 months at the Swiss Embassy in Baku, where he was hosted for humanitarian reasons. He is free and safe.