

June 12, 2015

Amnesty International recognizes Yury Rubtsou prisoner of conscience

The human rights organization Amnesty International has recognized Yury Rubtsou a prisoner of conscience and considers the sentence to him as a part of the long-term campaign of persecution of civil society activists by the Belarusian authorities.

June 12, 2015

Calling for rights in Azerbaijan, as European Games begin

Calls for the release of jailed Azerbaijani human rights defenders echoed through Europe on the opening day of the European Olympic Games.

June 12, 2015

Беларускія праваабаронцы выказваюць салідарнасць з палітзняволенымі Азербайджана

12 чэрвеня ў Азербайджане прайшло адкрыццё першых Еўрапейскіх Алімпійскіх Гульняў. У межах акцыі “Спорт за правы” (“ Sport for Rights”) беларускія праваабаронцы зладзілі фота-акцыю ў падтрымку палітзняволеных Азербайджана – праваабаронцаў, актывістаў, журналістаў.

June 11, 2015

Amnesty International прызнала Юрыя Рубцова вязнем сумлення

Праваабрончая арганізацыя Amnesty International прызнала Юрыя Рубцова вязнем сумлення і разглядае прысуд яму як частку доўгатэрміновай кампаніі пераследу актывістаў грамадзянскай супольнасці з боку беларускіх уладаў.

June 11, 2015


Our protest on 12 June is taking place on the day of the opening in Baku of the first European Olympic Games, hosted by Azerbaijan. We will be calling for the release of detained human rights defenders, journalists and activists, and for the end of the repression against civil society.

June 11, 2015

Azerbaijan: the repressive side of the European Olympic Games

Event at the 29th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Commencing on 12 June, Azerbaijan will host the inaugural European Olympic Games. Our event at the Human Rights Council will shine light on the severe restrictions on fundamental freedoms and the imprisonment of civil society, which risks turning these European Olympics into a sad symbol of repression.

June 10, 2015

Solidarity action “Sport For Rights”

The opening of the first European Olympic Games will be held in Azerbaijan on June 12. On this occasion, The Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House will organize an action of solidarity with the Azerbaijani human rights defenders that suffer from politically motivated prosecution.

June 10, 2015

Preview: Film about Ales Bialiatski

This is one of six documentaries in the series “A heart that never dies” by the directors Erling Borgen and Tom Heinemann. The series portray six human rights defenders. In this film called “Belarus: The last dictatorship in Europe” we meet defender Ales Bialiatski.

June 10, 2015

Advocacy events on the situation in Azerbaijan

As part of advocacy work on Azerbaijan towards the United Nations and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, HRHF is organising events in Geneva (16 June 2015) and in Strasbourg (23 June 2015 ).

June 10, 2015

Мерапрыемствы ў межах праваабарончай працы па сітуацыі ў Азербайджане

Фундацыя дамоў правоў чалавека правядзе мерапрыемствы ў Жэневе (16 чэрвеня 2015 г.) і ў Страсбургу (23 чэрвеня 2015) у межах праваабарончай працы па сітуацыі ў Азербайджане ў ААН і Парламенцкай Асамблеі Рады Еўропы.