The opportunities to work with international standards: experience of Belarusian ILIA graduates
In September 2015 a unique book was published: from the experience of the Belarusian human rights defenders it shows that international legal standards in the field of human rights can “work” even in a country such as Belarus.
Belarus after the election – one step forward, two steps back
Aliaksandr Lukashenka has begun his fifth five-year term. The final statistics of voting, announced by the Central Election Commission (83.5% for Lukashenka), were not surprising.
In contrast to the large-scale protests that took place in Belarus following the 2010 elections, these results were met with an apprehensive trickle of discontent consisting of a mere few hundred people who walked through the streets of Minsk and finished their protest with a prayer. Experts predict the end of the short-term thaw and the return to the pre-election regime of repressions and economic stagnation.
PACE must consider the wider picture in Azerbaijan, not just a controlled snapshot of election day
HRHN fears PACE’s election observation mission to Azerbaijan risks government control and unduly legitimising an illegitimate election.
Unique opportunity to support human rights defenders
On the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations, the UN General Assembly must take this opportunity to strongly reaffirm its support for human rights defenders.
Магчымасці працы з міжнароднымі стандартамі – вопыт беларускіх выпускнікоў ILIA
У верасні 2015 года выйшла ў свет унікальная кніга, якая паказвае на вопыце беларускіх праваабаронцаў, што міжнародна-прававыя стандарты ў сферы абароны правоў чалавека могуць «працаваць» нават у такой краіне, як Беларусь.
Belarus will report on implementation of international commitments to the UN Human Rights Committee
Belarus for the first time since 1997 will provide the UN Human Rights Committee a report on the implementation of its international obligations. The list of issues reported on by the country to the Committee also includes the ones that have been recommended by the Belarusian human rights defenders.
Беларусь отчитается о выполнении международных обязательств в КПЧ ООН
Беларусь впервые с 1997 года предоставит в Комитет ООН по правам человека отчет о выполнении своих международных обязательств. В перечень вопросов, подготовленных для страны Комитетом, вошли и те, что были рекомендованы белорусскими правозащитниками.
The Human Rights Committee has registered the appeal of the Belarusian, who was sentenced to death
On 15 October, the UN Human Rights Committee (CCPR) has confirmed the registration of the communication, submitted by the coordinator of the campaign “Human Rights Defenders Against the Death Penalty in Belarus” Andrei Paluda, on behalf of Siarhei Ivanou, who was sentenced to death.
Камітэт па правах чалавека зарэгістраваў зварот беларуса, асуджанага да смяротнага пакарання
15 кастрычніка Камітэт ААН па правах чалавека (КПЧ) пацвердзіў рэгістрацыю звароту каардынатара кампаніі “Праваабаронцы супраць смяротнага пакарання ў Беларусі” Андрэя Палуды, які з’яўляецца давераннай асобай асуджанага да смяротнага пакарання Сяргея Іванова.
Joint report of the Human Rights House Tbilisi presented at the UN Human Rights Council
On October 7, Board Chair of Human Rights House Tbilisi Nino Elbakidze presented the report on the state of human rights in Georgia at the presentation of the Universal Periodic Report (UPR) in the UN Human Rights Council. Two of HRHT member organizations – Article 42 of the Constitution and Georgian Center for the Rehabilitation of Torture Victims (GCRT) prepared the report for the UPR with the support of the Geneva Office of the Human Rights House Foundation.
FUTURE DOCS – a new project of the WATCH DOCS film festival for filmmakers and activists
FUTURE DOCS is a new European project of the WATCH DOCS IFF for documentarians and human rights defenders.
Belarusian observers on the elections: non-free, non-transparent and undemocratic
The elections in Belarus were not free and did not meet international standards. These findings were announced by the election observers on 12 October during the press conference at the Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House.