

September 25, 2015

Адвакаты правоў чалавека пад пагрозай

Сетка дамоў правоў чалавека ўказала на праблему нарастаючых пагрозаў на адрас адвакатаў правоў чалавека і іх пераследу, і прадставіла абгрунтаванне неабходнасці ўзмацнення гарантый прадастаўляемай ім абароны ў справаздачы «Адвакаты правоў чалавека пад пагрозай: неабходнасць узмацнення гарантый аказання прававой дапамогі (на прыкладзе Азербайджана, Беларусі, Малдовы, Расіі і Украіны)».

September 24, 2015

Adoption for the UPR report of Belarus

Under item 6 of the 30th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Human Rights House Foundation made a statement endorsed by a coalition of Belarusian human rights organizations. It was a clear call for Belarusian authorities to adhere to international human rights standards and cooperate with international human rights mechanisms.

September 23, 2015

Launch: Human Rights Lawyers at Risk

Warsaw, 23 September 2015 – Human Rights House Network has highlighted the growing intimidation and persecution of human rights lawyers, and made the case for strengthening the protection they receive, in its report Human Rights Lawyers at Risk: Making the Case for Protection of Legal Professionals in Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova, Russia, and Ukraine.

September 21, 2015

Azerbaijan: Crackdown on free expression and independent media

The Sport for Rights coalition calls for the release of detained Meydan TV journalist and an end to pressure against independent media in the country.

September 17, 2015

Inhabitants from Mirtskhulava Street # 9/11 were evicted by compulsory measures

Inhabitants of the barracks in Mirtskhulava Street # 9/11, Tbilisi were evicted by compulsory measures. Enforcement police officers and their transportation service employees were mobilized on the site. Furniture and belongings of the inhabitants were transported by the vehicles of the National Bureau of Enforcement. Old people bounded to beds were taken out of the building by hand-borrows. Court judgment on compulsory eviction was executed without violence.

September 16, 2015

Віншуем Беларускую асацыяцыю журналістаў з 20-гадовым юбілеем!

Беларускі дом правоў чалавека віншуе Беларускую асацыяцыю журналістаў з юбілеем – 16 верасня арганізацыі споўнілася 20 год.

September 16, 2015

The human rights situation in Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, space for independent civil society has disappeared, following a crackdown since the presidential election in October 2013. Ahead of the parliamentary elections in November 2015, all leading civil society actors are either in prison or have fled the country.

September 15, 2015

International Democracy Day: We call for more space for civil society

Civil society has less and less space to breathe or even exist in many countries, let alone participate in public life. Authorities are using restrictions as a pretext to prosecute and imprison human rights defenders, criminalising the right to be a human rights defender, and the right to assemble and associate.

September 10, 2015

Political refugee Ales Mikhalevich returned to Belarus in order to protect human rights

The politician and 2010 presidential election candidate Aliaksei (Ales) Mikhalevich returned to Belarus after more than four years of forced exile.

September 9, 2015

Way forward for human rights defenders

Criminalisation and repression of human rights defenders is not the right way forward for Europe. Watch the video of the panel debate here!

September 8, 2015

Палітуцякач Алесь Міхалевіч вярнуўся ў Беларусь, каб бараніць правы чалавека

Палітык і кандыдат у прэзідэнты на выбарах 2010 года Алесь Міхалевіч вярнуўся ў Беларусь пасля больш чым чатырох гадоў вымушанай эміграцыі.

September 7, 2015

Calls for Action

What made the Network unique in the beginning 20 years ago – local voices, independence, democratic principles, joint programs, and international reach – is the same today.