Belarusan society’s solidarity potential
The Center for European Transformation (CET) and the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (BISS) present a research results report of the Belarusan society’s solidarity potential. The research was initiated by Belarusan human rights defending organizations: Barys Zvozskau Belarusian Human Rights House, Human Rights Center “Viasna”, Belarusian Helsinki Committee, Legal Transformation Center (Lawtrend), Committee for the Protection of the Repressed “Salidarnasts”, Belarusian Association of Journalists, and Assembly of Democratic NGOs in Belarus.
Потенциал солидарности в беларусском обществе
Центр европейской трансформации (ЦЕТ) и Беларусский институт стратегических исследований (BISS) представили отчет по результатам исследования потенциала солидарности в беларусском обществе. Исследвание выполнено по инициативе беларусских правозащитных организаций: Беларусского дома прав человека им. Бориса Звозскова, Правозащитного центра «Вясна», Беларусского Хельсинкского комитета, Центра правовой трансформации (Lawtrend), Комитета защиты репрессированных «Салідарнасць», Беларусской ассоциации журналистов и Ассамблеи неправительственных демократических организаций Беларуси.
HRHN marks two years since the arrest of Anar Mammaldi
Human Rights House Network repeats its call for the immediate and unconditional release of the Azerbaijani human rights activist.
Mammadli, an outspoken critic of the presidential election of 9 October 2013, was called to the Prosecutor’s Office in the evening on 16 December 2013 for interrogation in regard to the criminal case opened following the election. The far-fetched charges brought against him included; tax evasion, illegal business activity, and abuse of authority.
Police officer vs lawyer
On November 8, 2015 lawyer Giorgi Mdinaradze of the State Legal Aid Service went to the Vake-Saburtalo district police unit # 5 to defend rights of juvenile detainee. He learned from the investigator that the detainee was accused of robbery. The lawyer claimed before interrogation process he told the investigator that the juvenile would use right to silence. Police officers took the detainee to a separate room where the father also attended the conversation. Afterwards, the police officers became aggressive towards the lawyer. They took Giorgi Mdinaradze to the working room of the head of the police unit and about 5 police officers, including the chief police officer, verbally and physically assaulted him. Afterwards they prepared protocol on his administrative arrest but finally released the lawyer based on receipt.
Azerbaijan – Human Rights Day without rights
Human Rights Day is celebrated on December 10 across the world whilst tens of journalists, human rights defenders and civil activists are imprisoned in Azerbaijan. Leyla Yunus and Khadija Ismaylova dedicated their freedom to the defense of others’ rights. Weak evidence in their cases reinforces doubts about political motivation of their charges.
Belarusian human rights organizations have chosen the best
As a tradition before the International Human Rights Day (10 December) several Belarusian human rights organizations name the winners of the annual National Human Rights Prize for the achievements in the field of human rights.
Праваабарончыя арганізацыі Беларусі абралі лепшых
Шэраг праваабарончых арганізацый Беларусі традыцыйна перад Міжнародным Днём правоў чалавека 10 снежня называе лаўрэатаў штогадовай Нацыянальнай прэміі беларускіх праваабаронцаў за дасягненні ў галіне правоў чалавека.
Human rights defenders call on government to take urgent restorative measures
Belarusian human rights defenders called to the authorities to take a number of measures that do not require legislative changes, but can significantly contribute to the improvement of human rights protection.
#HRHNHope16 on International Human Rights Day
Human Rights House Network has marked human rights day by inviting everyone to share their hopes for human rights in 2016.
Праваабаронцы заклікаюць дзяржаву да прыняцця першачарговых мер аднаўленчага характару
Беларускія праваабаронцы звярнуліся да ўладаў з заклікам прыняць шэраг мер, што не патрабуюць унясення зменаў у заканадаўства, але могуць значна паспрыяць умацаванню абароны правоў чалавека.
HRHT brief paper for December 10 – World Human Rights Days
Human Rights Day has been celebrated across the world annually on December 10 for 67 years already. It was established to mark the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948.
Human Rights House Tbilisi is glad to join the celebration of the World Human Rights Day because the main purpose of the organization is also restoration of breached human rights.
Leyla Yunus released on probation in Azerbaijan
Human Rights Defender Leyla Yunus has been released on five-years’ probation. This follows a request by her lawyers for her to be freed due to her deteriorating health condition.