European governments must call on the UN to conduct an immediate investigation into human rights abuses in Belarus
We, the undersigned members of the network of Human Rights Houses, urge European governments to call on the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to immediately launch an international commission of inquiry into human rights violations in Belarus in relation to the 9 August presidential elections.
Адкрыты ліст пра досвед дыпламатаў, атрыманы падчас назірання за правядзеннем прэзідэнцкіх выбараў у Беларусі
Дыпламаты еўрапейскіх краін распаўсюдзілі адкрыты ліст па выніках наведвання выбарчых участкаў падчас прэзідэнцкіх выбараў у Беларусі.
HRC44: Human rights situation in Belarus
On 10 July 2020, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement at the Human Rights Council on the human rights situation in Belarus. HRHF called for the renewal the mandate of the Special Rapporteur and that the Council insists that Belarus takes immediate remedial action to address current human rights violations and concrete steps to ensure no further escalation around the August presidential election.
International NGOs urge support for Belarus UN mandate renewal
Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) is among five international human rights organisations urging member and observer states of the UN Human Rights Council to support renewal of the mandate of Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus, echoing the call of Belarusian civil society.
Патрабуем неадкладнага вызвалення Паўла Севярынца
Мы, прадстаўнікі беларускіх праваабарончых арганізацый, выказваем свой пратэст з нагоды палітычнага пераследу і арышту палітвязня Паўла Севярынца.
HRC44: Freedom of Assembly and Association
On 10 July 2020, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement at the Human Rights Council on Freedom of Assembly and Association. The statement highlighted by authorities on peaceful protests and dissenting and opposition voices in Azerbaijan, and the violent suppression peaceful protests ahead of the Belarusian Presidential election in August.
HRC44: Freedom of Expression
On 10 July 2020, Human Rights House Foundation delivered a statement at the Human Rights Council on Freedom of Expression, highlighting the increase in threats against journalists during the Covid-19 Crisis.
Патрабуем неадкладнага вызвалення затрыманых сябраў ініцыятыўнай групы Віктара Бабарыкі
Беларуская праваабарончая супольнасць прызнала з’яўленне новых палітвязняў; гэта сябры ініцыятыўнай групы Віктара Бабарыкі Алена Карагачава і Дзмітрый Карака.
Crackdown by Belarusian Authorities on Opposition Figures, Peaceful Protestors, and Journalists
Human Rights House Foundation strongly condemns the actions in recent days of the Belarusian authorities to violently suppress peaceful protests, silence independent journalists, and intimidate members of the political opposition. These actions represent gross violations of the fundamental freedoms of association, assembly, and expression and attacks on human rights defenders. HRHF stands with the Belarusian human rights defenders, in calling on Belarusian authorities to respect fundamental freedoms and human rights, in line with Belarus’ international obligations.