

January 27, 2017

Interference in professional activities and persecution of independent lawyers in Crimea

Some 33 human rights organisations from the Civic Solidarity Platform issued the following joint statement urging the Russian Federation to stop illegal practices against lawyers and human rights defenders, and asking the international community to defend lawyers and human rights defenders in Crimea.

January 12, 2017

Rights groups demand justice for journalist Mehman Huseynov tortured in Azerbaijan

Some 14 international human rights organisations, including Human Rights House Foundation, issued the following joint statement in response to the abduction and reported torture of Azerbaijani journalist Mehman Huseynov.

October 20, 2016

Civil society organisations call on EITI Board to suspend Azerbaijan

The letter from civil society organisations addresses board members of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), urging them to “suspend Azerbaijan from participation in EITI, due to continuous breach of the initiative’s requirements for fostering an enabling environment for civil society.”

September 7, 2016

Civil society leaders appeal to Jagland ahead of Azerbaijan referendum

On the 4th of September, several Azerbaijani civil society leaders, including former political prisoners that have worked closely with HRHF, appealed to Council of Europe Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland to refer proposed constitutional changes to the Venice Commission.

August 18, 2016

Sport for Rights – Renewed Human Rights Crackdown Ahead of Referendum

18 August 2016. Less than six weeks ahead of a constitutional referendum, the Azerbaijani authorities have unleashed a new wave of repression to silence critical voices. The undersigned members of the Sport for Rights coalition condemn this renewed crackdown, and call on the Azerbaijani authorities to take immediate steps to improve the human rights situation in the country, starting with the release of political prisoners.

August 4, 2016

Armenia must stop the disproportionate use of force against protestors

The Human Rights House Network (HRHN) is deeply concerned about the disproportionate use of force against peaceful protestors in Armenia, in connection with “Erebuni” protests that began on 17 July.

July 20, 2016

HRH Yerevan condemns police activities against peaceful civilians

Members of Human Rights House Yerevan have issued a joint statement condemning police activities against peaceful citizens, and calling on the police and security services, as well as other stakeholders, to act to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens are respected and protected.

July 5, 2016

More than 200 NGOs call for supporting resolution on Civil Society Space

244 civil society organisations, including HRHF, signed a letter calling for the members of the UN Human Rights Council to reject 15 amendments presented by the Russian Federation to a resolution on Civil Society Space. The letter can be read below.

June 21, 2016

Civic Solidarity Platform: Concern about the arrests in Turkey

Member organisations of the OSCE-wide NGO coalition Civic Solidarity Platform, express their grave concern about the arrest on 20 June 2016 of three human rights defenders in connection with their participation in the campaign to counter suppression of the Özgür Gündem journal.