

March 24, 2009

Public discussion

Peaceful education and activism

March 23, 2009

Training for civic organizations

Children’s rights and monitoring of children’s rights in MK

March 20, 2009

Meeting with leading Syrian Kurd human rights activist

The activist coming is a representative of PYD. A translator will be present throughout the meeting, to translate both ways between Kurdish and English.

March 18, 2009

Regional HR school and Fest

Build bridges, not walls

March 17, 2009

Round table

Croatia and International Development Help Program

March 13, 2009

Конкурс на участие в конференции по международному праву в правозащитной деятельности

Секретариат международной сети Домов прав человека – Фонд Домов прав человека – объявляет о проведении Международной Конференции «Применение международного права в правозащитной практике» и приеме заявок на участие.

March 12, 2009

Advanced Course on International Protection of Human Rights

To: Monday, 20. April 2009 Where: Turku/Aabo, Finland, Aabo Akademi University, Gezeliusgatan 2, 20500 Host: The Institute for Human Rights at Aabo Akademi University More info:

March 11, 2009

Call for applications – Bring International Standards Home

Open call for applications for 2009-2010 training for Belarusian lawyers and human rights defenders on international human rights law. The deadline is 31 March 2009.

March 10, 2009

Brunch with Journalists

Blind and visually challenged persons in the media mirror