

January 24, 2011

Итоговая конференция

27 января РИЦПЧ проведет итоговую конференцию по общему проекту «Предупреждение пыток в закрытых учреждениях России». На повестке дня – подведение итогов, обмен опытом, обсуждение перспектив и возможностей общественного контроля в закрытых учреждениях, возможностей дальнейшего развития проекта.

January 24, 2011

HRW and HRHF host discussion at CoE on HR situation in Azerbaijan

Human Rights Watch and Human Rights House Foundation invite to a panel discussion: ‘Human Rights Situation in Azerbaijan’. The discussion is sponsored by Christoph Strässer, PACE Rapporteur on Political Prisoners in Azerbaijan. Ane Tusvik Bonde, HRHF’s regional manager for Caucasus and Eastern Europe, will chair the discussion.

January 21, 2011

Press-conference ‘Public control in childish closed establishments of Russia’

Discussion of a case in Pavlovsky Foster Home in St.Petersburg and other similar cases.
It is not easy to get to know what in psycho neurological hospitals for enabled people is going on. The tragedy in Pavlovsky Hospital came to light accidentally, owing to volunteers’ activity.

January 21, 2011

Пресс-конференция «Воспитанники интернатов – заложники системы».

О случае в Павловском интернате г. Санкт-Петербурга и других подобных ситуациях.
Узнать о том, что происходит в психоневрологических интернатах для инвалидов, практически невозможно. Трагическая ситуация с воспитанниками интерната в Павловске стала известна случайно, благодаря действиям волонтеров.

January 17, 2011

Беларусь: месяц после 19 декабря. Что дальше? Пресс-конференция

19-го января в 13:00 в Доме прав человека состоится пресс-конференция, посвященная ситуации с правами человека в Беларуси. Международные эксперты, представители правозащитных организаций разных стран, представят свои оценки происходящего в Беларуси с точки зрения Прав человека, сценарии развития ситуации и озвучат предварительные итоги работы Международной Наблюдательной Миссии Комитета Международного Контроля за ситуацией с правами человека в Беларуси.

January 17, 2011

Belarus: a month after December 19th. What’s next? Press conference

On 19 January 2011, the Belarusian Human Rights House is hosting a press conference on the human rights situation in the Republic of Belarus. International experts and representatives of human rights organizations from different countries will present their assessment of what is happening in Belarus from the human rights perspective.

January 6, 2011

Debt at the expense of human rights

SLUG invites to a seminar to launch the report “Debt at the expense of human rights” that looks at how debt servicing goes beyond health care, education and other services that all people, according to their individual and universal human rights, are entitled to. The report’s author is Line Madsen Simenstad from SLUG.

January 5, 2011

Do we have the courage to forget about wars and conflicts?

The Turkish / British author and former head of International PEN Writers in Prison Committee, Moris Farhi, holds the lecture “The Courage to Forget” in which he asks whether we have the courage to forget about wars and conflicts. Interview with Norwegian journalist Christian Borch and debate after the lecture. Tuesday 15 February at 19:00, the House of Literature, Amalie Skram.

January 5, 2011

2nd Biennial War Crimes Conference

2nd Biennial War Crimes Conference: Justice? Whose Justice? Punishment, Mediation or Reconciliation aims to explore themes surrounding judicial roles and responses to war crimes – past, present and future – and also responses to such initiatives, from victims/victors, interested agencies and commentators, including the UN, NATO and various local, regional and international NGOs.