

January 9, 2012

Конкурс на участие в дистанционном обучении адвокатов/юристов

Объявляется набор для участия в программе дистанционного обучения адвокатов и юристов международному праву прав человека. Отбор участников производится на конкурсной основе.

January 8, 2012

Presentation of the book, calendar, children’s colouring book, postcards dedicated to Ploshcha 2010

Belarusian Human Rights House (Lithuania) in conjunction with the Human Rights Centre “Viasna” (Belarus) and the Civil Company “Our House” (Belarus) invites to the presentation of the book, calendar, children’s colouring book, postcards, and a number of video clips dedicated to the participants of 2010 Ploshcha – a peaceful protest that took place in Belarus on 19 December, 2010 against irregularities that occurred during the presidential elections in Belarus. The event will take place on 16 January, 2012 at 14:00.The peaceful demonstration was violently dispersed by police, hundreds of people were put behind bars. Events of 19 December, 2010 started an unprecedented wave of repression in Belarus, which continues to this day.

January 8, 2012

Прэзентацыя кнігі, календара, дзіцячай размалёўкі, паштоўкі і відэа кліпаў, прысвечаных Плошчы 2010

16 студзеня 2012 г. ў 14.00 Беларускі Дом правоў чалавека (Літва) супольна з Праваабарончым цэнтрам “Вясна” (Беларусь) і Грамадзянская кампаніяй “Наш Дом” (Беларусь) запрашае на прэзентацыю кнігі, календара, дзіцячай размалёўкі, паштоўкі і шэрагу відэа кліпаў, прысвечаных удзельнікам Плошчы-2010 – мірнай акцыі пратэсту ў Беларусі 19 снежня 2010 г. супраць парушэнняў падчас выбараў прэзідэнта Рэспублікі Беларусь. Мірная дэманстрацыя была жорстка разагнаная міліцыяй, сотні людзей апынуліся за кратамі. Падзеі 19 снежня 2010 года распачалі беспрэцэдэнтную хвалю рэпрэсій у Беларусі, якія працягваюцца дагэтуль.

January 8, 2012

What is happening in Turkey?

In October 2011, a number of writers and human rights activists were arrested in Turkey, including the famous and award-winning publisher, writer and activist Ragip Zarakolu.

January 8, 2012

Free Speech Cafe

The latest in a series of regular events, giving members the opportunity to debate the free speech issues of the moment.

January 8, 2012

Free Speech and Literature

This six-part course, led by Dr Sophie Mayer, will consider some of the best known and most dramatic challenges to free speech: attacks on poems, plays, novels and films.

January 4, 2012

Index Freedom of Expression Awards 2012

The 12th annual Index Freedom of Expression Awards will be held on 28 March. They will honour those who, often at great personal risk, have given voice to issues and stories from around the globe that would otherwise have passed unnoticed.

January 4, 2012

Nadine Gordimer at the Southbank Centre

In the first of a series of events between Index on Censorship and the Southbank Centre, South African novelist Nadine Gordimer will be speaking at the centre’s Literature and Spoken Word Festival on 14 March.

December 13, 2011

19 December: One Year On – A demonstration for Belarus

Join a demonstration on 19 December to mark a year since Lukashenko’s vicious crackdown on dissent and political opposition in Belarus.