

November 18, 2008

Street Action in Sarajevo

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

November 12, 2008

Global Forum on Freedom of Expression

The Global Forum is a week-long event consisting of membership meetings, open conference sessions and festival events, all dedicated to exploring and celebrating free expression.

November 12, 2008

Film festival “Human Rights, Human Wrongs”

The first human rights film festival in Norway that will show the best and most thought-provoking flims about human rights and human wrongs.

November 12, 2008

Human Rights Concert

Amnesty Region Vest invites you to a concert which is organised on the occasion of Amnesty International’s “Small Places Tour”

November 12, 2008

Photo Competition: A Human Right in a Snapshot

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Human Rights House in Vilnius is conducting a competition for the best photograph illustrating a human right or freedom in Belarus.

November 11, 2008

Meeting of Regional Schools

Discussion about the status of the Republic of Kosovo, its relations toward the Republic of Serbia, and arranging the set of activities for the forthcoming Human Rights Day on the 10th of December

November 10, 2008

No Frontiers? Free Speech and the Internet

Online we are all free to say what we like, write a blog, post a video, start a website or join a social network. Or are we? Who decides what goes up and what comes down? Which files can be shared or images downloaded?

November 10, 2008

Press conference regarding the beginning of the campaign: See it, hear it, say it.

The First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi, Republic of Macedonia is concerned for the children that are enveloped by this difficult situation. The Embassy reacts, raises the public awareness, and seeks fairer and stricter punishments against the guilty ones.

November 5, 2008

Конкурс: Правы чалавека ў Беларусі праз аб’ектыў фотакамеры

10 снежня 2008 году спаўняецца 60 гадоў з дня прыняцця Усеагульнай дэкларацыі правоў чалавека. Да юбілею гэтага найважнейшага інструмента Дом правоў чалавека ў Вільні ладзіць конкурс на найлепшую фатаграфію, якая ілюструе ажыццяўленне якога заўгодна права ці свабоды чалавека ў Беларусі.