Alena Tankachova was denied reduction of the Belarus entry ban period
According to the court decision, Alena Tankachova will not be able to return to Belarus until February 2018. The Ministry of Internal Affairs refused to reduce this period without explanation. The human rights defender insists that her case is politically motivated.
Алене Танкачовай адмовілі ў скарачэнні тэрміну забароны на ўезд у Беларусь
Па рашэнні суда Алена Танкачова не можа ўехаць у Беларусь да лютага 2018 года. МУС без тлумачэння прычын адмовіўся скараціць дадзены тэрмін. Праваабаронца настойвае, што яе справа мае палітычны характар.
“States should respect and protect lawyers who promote and defend human rights defenders”
The report of the UN Special Rapporteur on Judges and Lawyers will be presented to the UN General Assembly today, 21 October 2016. The report gives clear recommendations on the actions States and bar associations should take to ensure the independence of lawyers.
Azerbaijan human rights under review
The United Nations Human Rights Committee reviewed Azerbaijan on 20-21 October. The previous review in 2009 highlighted the abusive use of criminal charges to detain journalists and activists, as well as legislation on defamation. Azerbaijan has for years upheld systematic repression of civil society including, arbitrary detention, restrictive laws against organisations, and the violation of human rights.
Poland reviewed at UN
The United Nations Human Rights Committee reviewed the human rights situation of Polandon 17–18 October. HRHF’s Polish partners, the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights (HFHR) delivered a statement on Poland during the opening of the session.
UN chief about death penalty “Let our actions always be guided by the moral compass of human rights”
The United Nations has spread the message of the Secretary-General on the occasion of the World Day against the Death Penalty, commemorated annually on 10 October.
Кіраўнік ААН пра смяротнае пакаранне:давайце кіравацца ў сваіх дзеяннях маральным компасам
Арганізацыя Аб’яднаных Нацый распаўсюдзіла пасланне Генеральнага сакратара з нагоды Сусветнага дня барацьбы за адмену смяротнага пакарання, які адзначаецца 10 кастрычніка.
Remembering Anna Politkovskaya 10 years after her murder
Prominent investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya was murdered on 7 October 2006. 10 years after her killing, many human rights organisations mark the anniversary and remember her work, her character, and courage.
Eduard Palchys is a political prisoner. Joint statement by human rights organizations
Joint statement of the human rights organizations regarding the criminal prosecution of blogger Eduard Palchys.