Патрабуем спыніць нагнятанне істэрыі і атмасферы страху ў беларускім грамадстве
Мы, прадстаўнікі беларускіх праваабарончых арганізацый, канстатуем значнае пагаршэнне сітуацыі з правамі чалавека ў краіне і адзначаем:
UN shows strong support for human rights defenders
States at the United Nations Human Rights Council show strong support by unanimously renewing the mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights defenders.
Crimea: The rule of Kremlin prevails over the rule of law
Now three years since the Russian annexation of Crimea, Human Rights House Foundation (HRHF) again raised concerns about the human rights situation on the peninsula at the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Belarus: the first death sentence in 2017
On 17 March 32-year-old Aliaksei Mikhalenya was sentenced to death.
У Беларусі вынесены першы смяротны прысуд у 2017 годзе
17 сакавіка на смяротнае пакаранне быў асуджаны 32-гадовы Аляксей Міхаленя.
У Беларусі дзясяткі затрыманых на фоне пратэстаў “сацыяльных дармаедаў”
Улады Беларусі арыштавалі больш за 100 чалавек у сувязі з мірнымі пратэстамі ў некалькіх гарадах, якія былі справакаваныя ўвядзеннем падатку для беспрацоўных беларусаў.
HRHT asks the government of Georgia to support the Resolution on Iran at UN Human Rights Council
HRHT and its member organisations ask the government of Georgia to support the Resolution on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran at the 34th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
Belarus detains dozens amid “social parasite” protests
The authorities in Belarus have arrested more than 100 people in connection with peaceful protests in several cities, following an outcry against a law imposing a tax on unemployed Belarusians.
Serbia reviewed at UN Human Rights Committee
“There is a shrinking space for the debate about human rights and fundamental freedoms in Serbian society. Also, there is less and less public scrutiny of the Government that has a negative effect on the human rights situation in Serbia.”